You may not say that you are a modern day, radical, or liberal feminist. But do you know all of the things that feminism has overcome? If you say yes to any of these, thank a feminist.
1. Do you enjoy being able to vote as a woman?
Thank a feminist. No matter who you voted for this election, you still voted. And that is something to be proud of.
2. Do you attend college or something other than getting married after high school?
Thank a feminist. It wasn't always the norm or financially possible for women to make a living on their own.
3. Do you have the freedom to apply for any job you want and not just "women's work"?
Thank a feminist. There used to be only one spot in the work force for women.
4. Can you get or give birth control without going to jail?
Thank a feminist. This was and continues to be one of the most revolutionary movements feminism has seen yet.
5. Do you or have you ever played an organized sport?
Thank a feminist. I know I would be no where without this, so think about feminism the next time you're spiking, kicking, or tossing a ball.
6. Do you have a brother or husband? Do you have the right to your own salary?
Thank a feminist. Could you imagine all the single moms out there with no rights to their own pay? Scary.
7. If your husband beats you, is it illegal?
Thank a feminist. In the past, women who would be beaten would be lectured on "bad-wifely behavior," whatever that means.
8. When you graduate college do you receive a degree?
Thank a feminist. Could you imagine putting all of that hard work in for 4+ years and only receiving a completion certificate?
9. Are your medical records yours and confidential?
Thank a feminist. Women didn't have privacy...what was the woman's was also the men's in the family. That includes brothers.
10. Can you read any book you want?
Thank a feminist. Thank them for Christian Grey.
For more information on what you can thank a feminist for, click here.
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It