To the professors in the English Department,
Thank you. I know as far as introductions go this is one terrible way to start, but, I need to say it. Thank you so much. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for every single one of you.
Coming in as a freshman, I was so nervous about what my future held. I'm sure that any incoming English major can attest to this because we are constantly told that our major holds no important place in society. We have constantly been belittled because people have been conditioned to think that if you don't go to school for sciences, medicine, business, or what have you that you hold no important place in the world. We were conditioned to think that our major was worthless and that we weren't going to accomplish any important work.
It was a big step for me to declare an English Literature major. I was scared that I was going to be one of those people that everyone said I was going to become.
But that has all changed. Because every professor I've ever had has shown me that sometimes we are the people who create the most important work.
How crazy is that? If I was told that a few years ago I would have have passed out from shock because I fully believed that I was going to leave school without a job. But now I see that the arts are a building block in modern society and people need it more than they care to admit.
And through all of you I see that I can be successful. My professors are some of the most intelligent people I have ever met, and when I hear of their past successes, it gives me so much hope that I can be just like them. And with this budding of hope, they continually push me to let it grow and see what I can do with it.
Furthermore, the professors in the English Department are the most caring people I have ever met and I know that I can go to them for any problem that I have, whether it's school related or for personal reasons. I have established such a deep connection with every professor and I know that my college experience would be so different if it weren't for them.
I've learned concepts and writing skills that will help me in any real-life situation. I've learned history and I've learned a lot more about Shakespeare than I ever really wanted to. But most of all, I've learned how to be an amazing person and an even better student.
I've learned so much from all of you. And I can't wait to see how much more I can learn until I graduate.
Thank you for showing me that the work I complete here is worth it in every way imaginable.