If there is one thing that I have learned, it is that sometimes we have to have a door slammed in our face before we realize that whatever was behind it just wasn't for us. A lot of the time it comes as a surprise because we have put all our time and effort into something just to come up short. Even more often, that leads to asking "why?". Why would I not get that job? Why would he/ she not like me back? Why am I studying so much to still not make the grades I want? Why... why... why...? It is so hard to understand that the plan we have for ourselves may not be what is best for us.
Have you ever taken a second to look back on the things you wanted a year ago? What about five years ago? What about ten? I'm sure it looks a whole lot different than what you have planned for your life now. There are things that you wanted SO BAD that you don't think twice about today. We all love to be thankful for all the things that do go according to our plan, but sometimes we forget to be just as thankful for all the things that don't.
So for everything and everyone that has come and wrecked my plans for myself, I say thank you. I say thank you to those classes that just about killed me because you pointed me down a better path. You showed me my gifts and where I could use them. I say thank you to the people who didn't believe in me because you've made me stronger. You've made me work harder. You've taught me to be humble. I say thank you to the boy who didn't think I was good enough because I learned how to be good enough for myself. I learned that I didn't need your approval. I learned to create bonds with permanent people and I learned I deserved more than you could ever give me.
I would never have walked away on my own. I needed that door slammed in my face in order to finally see that there was so much more out there for me. The hardest part is realizing that it isn't a setback... it's an opportunity. That closed door very well may be the biggest blessing that you have ever received. How amazing is it that God won't let you settle for less than you deserve?
So to your latest failure, say thank you. It is creating something for you that a victory never could.