Thank you, sir, for catcalling me. I am sure that you could not have gotten through your day without doing so either.
I'm glad that you think me dripping sweat from my daily run around the neighborhood is attractive to you. While you're in the safety of your car, a simple whistle and "Work it!" out the window of your driver's seat wouldn't do anything else but make me feel more self-conscious about my body, and more terrified about my own safety.
It's good to know that you are very proud and confident enough to call at me across from your seat outside a diner, in front of 50 other people, while I'm walking by in sweat pants, "Hey there girl! Yeah you know you're hot, keeping strutting! Yeah!"
Because if I wasn't already trying to mind own business and get my job done, I'm sure you just had to whistle at me when I walked by in a non-tight dress, to be specific, with your group of friends. I am sure you're the most popular guy in school now!
In case you think honking at me while I am bent over in front of my car trying to grab my things that I clumsily dropped wasn't going to go unnoticed or unharmed, you were wrong. Thanks to you, I now feel violated and embarrassed.
While you think it's funny, while you think you look and sound cool, you just made an anxious girl more vulnerable, nervous, and embarrassed.
So thank you, sir, for catcalling me. I'm sure your confidence has increased because of your ability to be rude to me, and I am sure it made your day because it definitely ruined mine, but you don't care otherwise you wouldn't have done it.