Thank you, asshole.
The best thing you've ever done for her was letting her go. In fact, I've never liked you more than the day you decided that she wasn’t worth it and you were done. That the relationship she worked so hard to keep wasn’t enough for you anymore and the temptation of other’s was worth more to you. The day you decided to leave her only benefitted one person, and it wasn’t you. Because in that moment I knew that although it hurt her now, she would soon be whole again. You on the other hand, had just lost the one person who was there for you regardless of your careless and childish actions.
You were never good enough for her. And I’m not saying that because she’s my best friend. I wouldn’t wish how you treated her upon my worst enemy. You consistently made her feel less than she was, and that's why you & I never got along. I spent numerous hours convincing her she was good enough. That she was worth more. More than what you were giving her, more than what she thought of herself. And turns out I was right. She is more. More without you dragging her down.
There won't be a day I'm not thankful that the negative energy you brought to her has left her life. You manipulated her, blamed her for your inadequate life, and belittled her character to make yourself feel more like a man. There won't be a day that I don't thank God for her being safe and whole without you. While she may remember the good, I remember the bad. I remember that she didn’t tell me half the things that happened between you two until after it was done, for fear that I would hate you more or reach out. And I'm sure to this day there are things I don't know about, and honestly I don't want to. I hate you enough with what I already know. And all I know is that I'm thankful you left her.
I'm thankful you broke her heart into a million pieces because I know she loved you too much to ever let you go. And sooner or later you'll realize you gave up on the girl who never would have given up on you. But by that time she will realize the monster you were and still are and there won't be time for another chance. The only thing that girl didn't have going for her was you. She will find a better you.
She is brilliant, beautiful, courageous, and kind. And now that she stands alone, she is strong. You weren't there for her when she needed it most, and that speaks measures. One day I'm positive she will find her Prince Charming. Someone who is witty and smart, light-hearted and calm. Someone she can build a life with, and I never have to worry whether she's safe or happy. I'll patiently wait for that day but I breathe easy knowing it won't be with you. So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for breaking her heart. Because she's coming back 10 times stronger than she was before, and a million times stronger than you’ll ever be. She is a fighter. She is a believer. She is my best friend. And the right man will cherish her like you never did.