College isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I love college. I love the atmosphere, I love the freedom, and I love my campus and the opportunities that it offers. However, there are some nights when I’ve stayed up until 2 a.m. studying for a test that I am not the biggest fan of college. There are days when I want to sleep an extra seven hours instead of going to class.
College isn’t the easiest thing in the world; I have to say that I have the greatest support system to help get me through.
I love my friends, probably more than they could ever realize. I love that feeling when you’ve laughed so hard that you feel as though you don’t need to go to the gym for the day. I love the feeling of riding in complete silence but knowing that the people in your car are there even for the silent car rides. I love walking out of a test and finding arms open for me to cry in or celebrate with.
Whether they are fourteen hours away or two miles down the road, the people who I have surrounded myself with are a constant guidance for me in all that I do. However, I don’t think that I’ve said thank you enough. So, for all of those who deal with me when I want chocolate milk at 10 p.m. or Mexican food at 2 a.m., this is for you.
Thank you for listening.
I talk, a lot. Anyone who knows me knows that talking is my favorite thing to do. My friends have an uncanny ability to listen to everything that I say, even when I’m not saying it, and I am so thankful for that.
Thank you for always letting me drive.
Even though my driving may terrify you, thank you for trusting me with your life and letting me get behind the wheel and drive you to Macon, to Cookout, and to anywhere I want when I just need to drive and get away from things for a little while.
Thank you for telling me what I need to hear, even when I don’t want to hear it.
It takes an incredibly strong, courageous person to look into someone’s eyes and tell them what they don’t necessarily want to hear. I am so thankful that I have surrounded myself with people who are honest with me, even when honesty isn’t what I want to accept or believe.
Thank you for loving me.
Even when I don’t want to be alone. Even when I just want to watch Nicholas Sparks movies and eat ice cream. Even when I scare you away because I’m so upset. Thank you for continuing to love me through my ups, my downs, and the in-betweens. You truly are the most amazing individuals solely for that; I could never thank you enough.