“No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same.”
― Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why
With all of the excitement over Netflix's new rendition of the popular book Thirteen Reasons Why, I thought I would take a few minutes to go over several things that I find to be important. I've been there. I've done things I am not proud of and I have been on the edge before. But here are thirteen reasons why suicide is not the answer.
1. You will never experience another sunrise or sunset.
Is ending it all in blackness worth giving up the light? The morning sun will never grace your eyes, the setting sun will never cast it's amber glow on your skin again. For you, moon will no longer glow.
2. Life is painful, and beautiful, and worth living for.
You want relief, I get it. There's no relief in death though, there is just emptiness.
3. You will never smell summer rain on the pavement or dance.
The fun feeling of mud between your toes will be lost to you.
4. You leave behind much more than you realize.
Your friends, your family, your pets, your classmates. All of this people will notice your absence, all of these people will miss your laugh or the ways your eyes used to light up. Depending on your religious ideals (which most do not condone suicide) you will never see your loved ones again. When they think of you their shoulders will sink, their eyes will well with tears, and memories of you will flood their minds.
5. You'll lose the chance to make a difference.
You can help other people out there who are going through the same emotions. I know you wouldn't wish how you're feeling on anyone, so why not show others that there is strength in numbers. When enough people get together you become a community, and mental health communities are the most welcoming.
6. The sun will never kiss your skin again.
You'll never get to play in the sun, or the rain, ever again. You'll never pet another animal. The wind will never sing to you with it's wind chime instruments and you'll never feel the prickly cool grass on your hands.
7. You are not a coward.
Some say suicide is for the weak, I don't agree. I don't think you have to be weak to commit suicide, but I do know you have to be courageous to overcome it. Strength is also a factor, but not a lot of people mention that it takes courage to continue battling.
8. You are never truly alone.
You have loved ones that care about you and your well being. Even if you think you don't have support there are many other people out there who want to help. They want to help you to feel better, and to get the relief you're searching for.
9. You'll be come another statistic.
Do you want that? Do you want researchers and doctors all over the world looking at you as a number rather than as a person? That's not what I want to be seen as after my time has come.
10. Your future awaits you.
Maybe you would cure cancer, or start a life changing organization. Or you could be like J.K Rowling and end up writing one of the most popular book series in the world (she too was considering suicide before her works were finally published). But none of things can happen if you're not alive.
11. You are worthy.
You're only given one life, you need to fight for it though. Nothing comes easy, but take comfort in knowing that nothing lasts forever. Except death, but what you're feeling won't last forever. There are ways to overcome and I know you can do it.
12. If you're reading this, you're either a curious viewer or you're someone who still has the will to live.
Part of you doesn't truly doesn't want to die if you're looking at reasons not to kill yourself. Listen to that small part and continue on, if you don't want to do it for yourself then do it for me. I am asking you to stay here, stay here and fight.
13. Suicide is Final
There is no going back. There are no re-dos. Once your life is over that's it. You can never see your friends again, or your family.
I am proud of you. I am proud of you for how far you've come, for how long you've fought and for every second you're alive.