"GET OFF THE ROAD!", "This person needs to learn how to drive.", and "This guy in front of me almost caused a wreck." are the most common things I say when I'm in the car.
I promise you that I am a good driver and I am not driving recklessly on the roads. I go the speed limit, never pick up my phone, and I always pay attention. Unfortunately, there is always someone I see who is not like me.
The other day I was driving down the road to go to my house and this car sped up so they were right on my tail while I was driving. They were swaying left and right on the road.
I was scared to slow down or speed up, so I just cautiously watched them and kept my eyes on the road. They proceeded to stay on my tail and sway even as I approached a stop sign. They must not have been paying attention because as I slowed down they inched closer and closer to my car until I was completely stopped, but they were not stopped.
They jerked their car to the side of the road in order not to hit me. I proceeded to go through the stop sign and continue driving normally. Eventually, this guy passed me while swerving all over the road, but once he got in front of me he slowed down to the speed limit, and I was behind him at a reasonable distance, but he was swerving even worst than before. Into the oncoming traffic he went, and I braced to be in a wreck. He, fortunately, misses the car and gets back into the proper lane. Finally, he turns and gets off the road.
He was distracted. When he passed me, I managed to get a glimpse of him. One hand on the steering wheel and in his other hand was a cell phone.
Texting and driving is just as bad as drunk driving. According to Edgar Snyder Personal Injury Law Firm, 11 teens die every day from texting and driving.
The phone can wait!
Pay attention to the road because you never know when a driver will brake or swerve in front of you. An AAA poll says that 94% of teens know the dangers of texting and driving, yet 35% of teens admit to doing it.
Texting and driving is actually growing and there are more wreaks every day because of it. What should be more important; texting your friend back or losing your life?