I am not ashamed to admit that I am a daily Facebook user. I don't just use Facebook for the ability to communicate or to network amongst colleagues, which was the original purpose for its users. Communication probably takes up a very tiny fraction of my time on Facebook. I use Facebook to read up on the interesting and funny text posts that appear one after one on my Facebook wall. I know that this routine that I have established for myself of getting on my laptop or smart phone and browsing through my wall on a daily basis can be considered obsessive or sad, but honestly, the deed has served me well in many situations.
1. They are super relatable.
Like, what in the world??? The inhabitants of the internet have contributed so much weirdness and wackiness that it seems incomprehensible as to why someone would take the time to make a post like this. But there is no denying that the feat described is one that we have all attempted in our lifetime.
2. Some of them can be laugh out loud funny.
Honestly, no truer words have ever been spoken - or seen.
3. They can be super cute.
I can't even begin to describe how cute these cats are. I totally relate as being the person who wants contact while the weather is not being friendly to the world. This just took that unfortunate flaw to an exponentially cuter level!
4. They inspire you to get off your computer and do something outside.
Even the internet agrees that we should get outside and gather some fresh air.
5. They inspire you. Period.
This type of text post makes me feel so much better. We all need a booster-upper sometimes to keep ourselves through the day, and it's just nice to have that pleasant surprise of a post appear and make your day slightly less lonely or aggravating or stressful.
6. They keep you informed about current topics and trends.
This is obviously alluding to the EU's loss of England. Ha.
7. They can give you the best advice in the worst of times.
This can also tie in with the previous point about how text posts can inspire. I am not the greatest giver of advice ever, but I would have never thought to create a simile between human beings and a cigarette. That's the beauty of social media, the internet and technology; ideas can be shared in an infinite chain of shares and views so that this one idea could be shown to the world - or at least those who have internet.
Text posts can be good for the soul, mind and heart. Yes, you're not supposed to believe everything you see on the internet. But no one ever said we can't be amused by it!