With New Year’s Eve about two seconds away, there is barely enough time to process the idea of sending a risky text. It seems like every holiday there is always someone I am tempted to text. Sometimes it is just a friend I have lost contact with, sometimes a new guy I started seeing and wasn't sure if it was too soon in the relationship to say something, but usually it is someone I should never contact ever again, yet still want to.
Sending a text takes all of half a second, so what’s the harm? Perhaps it’s not the sending of the text that’s the struggle, but what happens immediately after. I retype the message a few more times than I'd like to admit, consider throwing in some playful emojis, hit send, then immediately put my phone in my jacket pocket and leave it for a few minutes. What are they going to be doing when they get the text? What will they think when my name pops up on their phone? Will they make the half second effort to say something back?
The overanalyzing of sending a text like this is the problem. What am I expecting to come out of it? Setting myself up for disappointment is never a fun event, especially on New Year’s Eve. I’m not going to let someone who isn't my boyfriend hurt my feelings anymore.
But to me there are circumstances where sending a text to throw out some feelers is a great idea. If I am not going to be seeing the person anyway because they live in a different state, are home for break, or have family plans, then the text is most likely just a kind gesture. You're welcome. Yet, it could be that I’m missing that person and I thought a direct text wishing them a Happy New Year would give me bonus points. It’s definitely better than sending them a reply chug Snapchat video that I also posted in my story.
If there is a chance of seeing the person that evening, then me reaching out is most likely for the hopes of being able to see them that night. Nothing better than making out with a hottie to ring in the new year.
I struggle with the idea of sending a text to a guy whose friendship I lost a few weeks ago. I really liked him, but we haven't talked in weeks, which is partially my fault. Things got weird and complicated, which is a story for another time, but as I’m writing this, he is the only person I keep thinking of. Should I text him New Year's Eve? What would I gain, but also, what would I lose? What’s the big deal, but also, what’s the point?
But let’s calm down, it’s not a big deal, it’s just a text. So if you get a Happy New Year text from me, don’t worry, I’m not asking for your hand I'm marriage. I'm just trying to have a good time, hope you are too.
You do you.