Dear Daddy,
I’m not one to write super sappy stuff, but I’ll try to stretch out of my comfort zone for you, since it’s Father’s Day and all.
For one thing, I’m really thankful for all the memories we have together. For all the times you sat me down and explained things to me, like how to drive, how to change the oil in my car (even though I still don’t know how -- ha ha, sorry), how to do my math homework (still don’t know how to do that either; sorry again) and how to order a steak properly.
More than that, I’m thankful that you taught me how to be goal-oriented, how to put other people before myself, how to stand up for what I believe and how to be kind. I swear you could write the book on those how-to's.
You taught me all of these things just by being you and leading by example. Not everyone is blessed with a dad who says “I’m proud of you,” who constantly reminds me, “You’re beautiful," or even spares an “I love you.” But, miracle of miracles, I got a daddy who says all of the above. Saying I’m thankful for you wouldn’t quite do justice to how much I love you, but I’ll say it anyway.
You taught me to appreciate all the fine things in life, and I, for one, appreciate how you work really hard, even when it’s not fun. I appreciate how you showed me the way a man should treat me. I appreciate how you love the same snacks as I do (even if you steal them from me sometimes). I appreciate how you make me laugh, from your crazy dance moves to just humoring me when I talk to you in a horrible British accent.
Thank you for all you do, have done and will do for me!
You’re a great father, friend, role model and daddy. God really hit one out of the park with you!