Texas Leading the Country In Mental Health Reform?
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Texas Leading the Country In Mental Health Reform?

Texas is becoming a national reform leader in mental health care with a plethora of new legislation

Texas Leading the Country In Mental Health Reform?
Preservation in Mississippi

At long last, the Texas legislature has decided to take the mental health crisis in Texas seriously.

Several house bills are proposing funding increases of up to 1 billion to expand and update mental health services in the state. Nationally, the prison system houses more mentally ill people than psychiatric facilities, and the facilities that do exist are underfunded, in disrepair and do meet the needs of the population.

Rusk State Hospital is one instance of a state psychiatric hospital in serious need of renovation. Exposed piping in rooms requires staff to constantly remain in the room with patients to ensure safety. Sections are closed off due to mold damage and disrepair.

Of the 12 state funded facilities in Texas, 11 of them have 75buildingsthat are not able to function.

Several representatives that introduced bills have covered issues from insurance coverage, accessibility and reorganization of the system. Should these reforms go through, Texas could become a national leader in mental health care.

It is argued that the best way forward is to coordinate between law enforcement, state institutions, private and local institutions, and universities. New psychiatric hospitals could be built on academic campuses, allowing for new buildings and an extensive psychiatric residency program for medical students.

Academic psychiatrists would easier coordinate with hospital medical directors as well as expand academic programs into the local community. One bill, that has already reached review before the senate, would reduce arrests and incarceration for individuals diagnosed with mental health disorders.

The mandatory holding period for examination would be extended from 48 to 72 hours as well as allowing family members to transport the individual to a facility on their own during an emergency.

The legislature has also recognized the importance of mental health services in public schools, and is now actively working to expand those services. It could soon be required for school districts to require the presence of mental health workers on campuses and the expansion of services to students.

Students would also receive mental health education during their PE classes, as well as teachers receiving expanded training on how to spot mental health issues.

Dr. Elizabeth Minne has started an outpatient clinic at Crocket High School, as well as expanded to two additional schools, to see that the number of behavioral disruptions have decreased and attendance increased.

HB 11 is the force behind expanding mental health care in schools. HB 12 is intended to increase mental health care to individuals in the court systems, and then HB 13 is to create grant programs for regional and community health clinics.

Right now, Texas is leading (far ahead) the federal government, as well as many states, in the mental health reform struggle.

The repeal of the ACA would remove Medicaid funding that many mentally ill people depend upon. Battles between state legislatures and state governors are becoming common. In Kentucky, the republican controlled legislature passed a health care bill by 34-3 in the Senate and 95-0 in the House. The governor stunned the state by vetoing the bill. The bill would have allowed a judge to order mandatory mental health treatment for patients that have been hospitalized twice in one year, as well as having a serious illness or suffering from anosognosia, which prevents the patient from believing he is sick.

It is amazing to see Texas leading the way in mental health reform. Let’s hope the rest of the country gets the memo.

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