Howdy Fellow Ags,
When talking to some fellow Aggies the other day, they began to talk about U.T. I, knowing that Texas A&M is the best University in Texas, immediately thought to the University of Tennessee. “My brother,” the girl said, “Goes to UT.”
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“Oh that’s great!" I exclaimed, "I love Tennessee; it is so cute there.” The girl (also a fellow Ag) grew upset. “You know what I mean.” She exclaimed as she rolled her eyes. Then continued to talk about U.T.
I was so confused could it be there was another school called U.T. besides Tennesee?! I started frantically searching my mind, I couldn’t think of another University. Then it hit me, as she mentioned, it was only about two hours away by car. This Ag was talking about the school down in Austin. She actually thought that this burnt orange place was the real University Of Texas! I knew then that I must write an article on this subject, for the greater good of our university as every Ag deserves to be educated on why they go to the best university, not just in the state of Texas, but possibly in the whole world. I hope when reading this you keep an open heart and mind. I encourage you to pray for those I am talking to today, as they are blind to their ways.
Here are 10 reasons why Texas A&M is the real university of Texas.
1. We are the biggest university in the state.
Actually, we are the fifth biggest in the country.
With 52,000 kids enrolled in 2014, we have everything you could possible need for your major. Our stadium, Kyle Field, is by far the biggest in the SEC seating over one hundred thousand. We have not one but three Starbucks, and basically any other restaurant you could want to eat at. Not even our library lacks space with six floors and an attached Annex open 24 hours a day.
2. We stay true to Aggies who deserve a chance.
Some people say that Texas A&M is easy to get into because of our programs like gateway and Blinn team, but let me assure this is not the case as Texas A&M rejected 10,000 applicants last year. However, we do love kids who love this university and have a great story to offer. That is why we have programs called Blinn Team and Gateway.
In Blinn Team, you get to take classes at both community college and Texas A&M while having the full benefits of being an Aggie. If you maintain a 3.0, you’re in! In gateway you get to take summer classes, and if you pass, you’re in. These kids may have not been the top ten percent, but they showed the Aggie Spirit and had something different and fun in their essays. Odds are they had a parent come here as well. Texas A&M is loyal to kids they know deserve a shot. These kids are some of the best Aggies around.
3. We don’t hate our freshmen, we love them.
At Texas A&M, we get being a freshmen can be scary. That is why we have something called Fish Camp! Before class starts, we take all of our freshmen to a camp off campus for about a week. They have fishermen counselors, upper-classmen who try to make coming into college easy for them. Some people even meet their best friends here. But, here is the real kicker, the counselors don't even get paid! That's right they love our freshmen so much they spend an entire week building relationships with them, for free!
4. We are the 12th man.
Here at Texas A&M, we don’t sit we stand ready to support our teams at all times. We yell from the bottom of our hearts and every good Ag is expected at every game.
5. We make more money than that school down in Austin.
According to a recent article, no other University graduates more Fortune 100 CEO's than Texas A&M. You heard that right, no other school, not even T.U...
6. We carry our university for life.
Get your Aggie Ring ready. When you get a certain number of hours here at A&M, you get to order your Aggie Ring. It is something that can be spotted across the room and will have you making connections for life.
7. It’s a Spirit that can never be told.
We yell. We sing. We bleed maroon. From the outside you can’t understand it, and from the inside you can’t explain it. I’ve never heard of anyone from T.U. say that.
8. We have integrity.
Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal. Nor tolerate others who do. If you meet an Aggie, odds are you can trust them. Integrity is something we strive to achieve.
9. Our mascot is way better.
Reveille is a part of our life! She lives on campus with a member of the Corps. You pet her, take pictures with her. The best part is the Aggie tradition that states if she barks in class, the professor has to let you leave. Sorry T.U., I don't think your bull has the same loving effect.
10. We don't like two percenters.
A two percenter is an Ag who only gives two percent back to their university. Here at A&M aggies are expected to give 100 percent. Two percenter actions are not limited but do include: sitting during sporting events, not trying in your classes, not participating in Big event or referring to that school down in Austin as U.T. A true Aggie never knows the meaning of half way.
Well Ag’s I hope now you know why you should call t.u. t.u. ( And yes I meant that lower case t and that lower case u.)
Thanks and Gig' em