If you are unsure about joining a sorority or a women's fraternity, please look no further. I was exactly in your shoes four years ago. And I will tell you one thing, it was the biggest step of my life, and I do not regret a single moment of it.
I came by myself to ENMU as a freshman from a bigger city. No friends, seriously all alone. I went to freshman orientation sitting by myself like a lost puppy. I was a known person in high school. I never was alone, I always had someone around me. Being an adult who had to take care of herself was a huge step within itself, and I honestly had no idea what college would have in store for me. Yeah, I thought parties would be where I met my future friends, maybe doing sports, I wanted to test out the waters. Little did I know, joining a women's fraternity would be the best decision I have ever made in my life.
Sitting by myself at a comedy show, some girls walked up to me and told me to sign up for formal recruitment. They wouldn't tell me what organization they were from, or what sorority they were, but they said it would change my life. If God is throwing you a bone, you better take it. So I did.
After actually seeing what recruitment was like, I knew going Greek was the right step for me to take. At first I was unsure, because I thought hazing was a real thing, that dues would be too expensive, and that I would have to stay the skinny girl I was in high school. It was exactly opposite. I was in the safest place on campus with my sisters. My dues were absolutely doable for a college student, and I was accepted for who I am, even if the freshman 15 was a real thing. It's okay, it is like the last of your baby weight, it actually goes away. I lost that and then some when I found sisters to work out with.
I would learn so much throughout my time in my organization, that if I tried to explain it all, it would be a novel. And that novel would have to have a royal feel to it. My favorite memories were the rituals, and the week long athletic competition between all fraternities and sororities on campus. Greek week is an experience you HAVE to try.
You will never find me with a normal wardrobe. I have enough lettered T-Shirts to put me through a year's worth of outfits. I have never been so capable of handling job interviews, exams, and a social life all in one experience. My sisters are the reason why I am telling this Greek story to you. Four years later, I am in tears because it is coming to an end. Graduation is right around the corner, and I have no clue where the time went. Watching my best friend graduate in the spring, all dolled up and ready to take on the alumnae world gave me inspiration that I am ready for post-collegiate Greek life, but not ready to accept my great times as memories just yet.
I joined an organization ready for the worst, when in fact it has molded me into the strong independent adult I am today. I went from not knowing how to study for a real university exam, to holding a Vice-President position, and taking 20 credit hour science courses. I didn't have to be blonde, or blue-eyed or ditzy to join a sorority. I spent three years on an Executive Council board for ZTA, while going to school full-time, working full-time, and still having time to hold a 3.0 and keep a social life. Don't say it will take up your time, because it won't. Don't doubt the friendships you will make because they are real. I have truly found the women who will stand by my side while I say 'I do'. I have found women who will support me while raising my children, who will be there to celebrate my retirement from my career. Girl I am set for life
Don't be afraid of going and seeing what your campus' formal recruitment has in store. I met my best friend for the rest of my life going through recruitment. How did we bond? We were running through sprinklers and both fell like clumsy 18 year old girls who had nothing better to do, except for walk home from recruitment. I wouldn't have met her if I sat in my dorm room by myself. I wouldn't have met the roommate and forever friend I have now, by not being the ZTA house to welcome her when she joined that one Spring day. I was more than privileged to see that same woman graduate and start her career years later.
Here is the part that I am looking forward to, the part that hasn't started yet.... Zeta isn't just for four years, it's for life. The alumnae world is right around the corner, where I can meet older members, who juggle real lives, like marriages, kids, and careers. I will never be alone for the rest of my life. I will ALWAYS have someone to depend on. No matter what organization you choose, going Greek will forever have an influence on your life.
I owe my life to Zeta Tau Alpha. I have met women from around the country; I have been trained by so many successful ladies that I feel I am prepped for any Fortune 500 CEO interview. ZTA has taught me how to be truly dedicated, how to be motivated for school and work, and how to be successful. GO THROUGH FORMAL RECRUITMENT. You will regret not having experiences that will change your life. I can honestly say I don't know who or what I would be without ZTA. If those women didn't tell me to go through recruitment, there is a good chance I might have dropped out of college, went back home and did nothing with my life. Being Greek in college opens up SO MANY DOORS for you it is unreal. Knowing that I have a better chance of getting hired for a career post-graduation just because I have Greek experience on my resume, is one of the many reasons why I knew going Greek was right for me.
The sisterhoods, bonds and touching stories you will have to see for yourself. But being in your shoes four years ago, I wish to tell you what I could tell my freshman self. You will be so happy with the decision you are about to make. Going through recruitment is the start of your novel. Write it. Love it. Live it. You'll be glad you did.