It comes in waves. At first, everything is fine. You have ample free time which you, of course, use to go out or binge watch "Criminal Minds." Then, suddenly, the ground falls from under you. It's that time of the month again, test week. For whatever reason, it seems professors enjoy planning all exams, papers, and projects in the same week. This is what test week feels like, as told by "The Office."
1. You actually look at your syllabus'.
Test week comes when you least expect it. You spend the Sunday before it lounging around, and just to be a safe and responsible student you check your class schedules Sunday night. Three tests, one quiz, two papers, all in one week. I'm fine, everything's fine.
2. Denial sets in.
Having five million tests in one week isn't a big deal anyways. I sometimes go to class so I'll be fine, I don't need to study.
3. You try to start studying, but your brain just isn't having it.
Why would I study when I could organize my socks by color and pattern?
4. You accept imminent failure.
Who needs college, anyways? Steve Jobs didn't go to college and he did just fine. Also, stripping is a real thing.
5. You decide you don't want to drop out and start studying again.
But how does one study when they know nothing?
6. You are approaching the day of your first exam and start to feel prepared.
Maybe the occasional five minutes of studying paid off? Maybe I got dumber in those five minutes of studying? Only time will tell.
7. Your first series of exams were a flop.
Nowhere but up from here for the rest of the semester. Right?
8. This exam week is over, but you will never truly recover from the pain it caused.
The exam grades have been posted. Your morale is low. And to make things better, in 3 short weeks, exam week will return.