While Montclair seems like a safe campus, it's time I shatter this illusion for you. A coward walks among us on campus, lurking in the shadows and scribbling aggressively on a notepad. What am I talking about? "The Red Hawkion." What is this, you ask? It's a highly disappointing attempt at a satirical website hosted on WordPress.
The writing is flawed with grammatical errors and bad taste. While I'm one to appreciate good satire, I can confidently say this website is anything but. Rather, it's an outlet for the "Secret Talons" to entertain their dream of becoming "Gossip Girl "of the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
To anyone who has the gift of writing, I wholeheartedly encourage you to start your own blog; however, one must learn the difference between satire and being offensive. The writer has written several pieces bashing Greek life and while it's easy to laugh at some aspects (even as a Greek), there is a line. You see, "Gossip Girl," Greeks work very hard to change the stereotype and for every step forward we take, someone publishes an article or a movie littered with awful accusations and assumptions of Greek life.
Accusations of hazing are not a joke and are extremely serious, using an image of someone's face without rights is illegal and specifically and blatantly referencing someone is defamation of character and you can be sued for libel. Libel is defined as: "Publication of a false statement of fact that seriously harms someone's reputation."
Granted, Greeks aren't his only target (even though they seem to be his favorite), "Gossip Girl" also tears down Odyssey and the writers who contribute to this website. Gossip Girl (GG) said, “The Odessey's a more annoying, stupider version of Buzzfeed. There is not talent needed, you just create an account and type!”
Yes, you read that correctly. Multiple errors in merely two sentences and it is Odyssey writer's that are "not talented." If GG can spell "Odyssey" correctly in the title and not the body of the article, perhaps they should more time editing and less time stalking the student body of MSU. It's okay GG, don't be too embarrassed, maybe one day you can write for Odyssey, too... but you better spell-check first.The real question is who is Gossip Girl? According to The Monclairion, "Gossip Girl" is a man who decides to remain anonymous "out of fear." Well, I think it's time you came out and showed us who really are. If you choose to remain anonymous, we ask one simple request: Think before you write.