You’ve got a place to sleep in, food to eat, and clean drinking water on your table. Life is good! Generally, you are pretty damn lucky when compared to your third world neighbors. However, these silly first world ‘tragedies’ guiltily (and understandably) drive you crazy:
1. Broken chargers
Recommended for you
2. Sold out tickets
3. Forgetting your headphones
4. Dying phone battery
5. Charging wire…too short
6. Pokémon GO server crashes
7. Bad hair day
8. Loading videos
9. Forgetting your password
10. Full DVR
11. Automatic toilets
12. Remote, too far away
13. Full fridge, nothing you want to eat…
14. Commercials
15. Netflix Price Increase
16. Breaking your hair tie
17. Chipping your nail polish
18. Cracking your phone screen
19. Waiting on line for the bathroom
20. Drinking cough medicine... Yuck!
21. Homework
22. School loans
23. No matches on Tinder
24. Doing the dishes
25. Pen explosions
26. Breaking a nail
27. Spilling your drink
28. Peeling off a label
29. Waiting at a red light
30. In the shower, forgetting your towel