College roommates can be interesting. Sometimes they're good, and sometimes they can be just plain horrible. Some of the things people do can be extremely appalling, so here is your warning. If you're about to go to college, choose your roommates wisely.
1. Freshman, Texas A&M
"We found out my suite mate was in a coven after we realized she was always deep in the woods every day from 2-4am."
2. Sophomore, Bloomsburg University
"My roommate threw all of my shoes, jackets, clothing, miscellaneous items at my bedroom door that were all in our common living space neatly placed, just because I had a used can of beans in the sink and didn't throw it away immediately. She also frequently let mold grow on her plates in her bedroom."
3. Freshman, Bloomsburg University
"My first roommate she came into our dorm while I was cuddling with a boy, I told her he was over. He and I started to kiss a little and she came in taking a video, sent it to our whole floor, and then proceeded to write my name, phone number, and rude language about me on our white board on our door."
4. Freshman, Stony Brook University
"It was my second week of college. My roommate had been out partying all night the night before, as he had pretty much every nice since we got there. It was early morning and I was asleep in bed when I heard the sound of running water. I thought at first he was probably just using my coffee maker, but when I opened my eyes I found my wasted roommate peeing all over my desk (which was pushed right up perpendicular to my bed) with my laptop and all on it. I muttered a "what the fuck" and in response, he turned to look at me, still pissing, and soaked my entire bed, with me still in it. He then shook it off after he finished, pulled his boxers back up, and heavily mumbled an apology before proceeding to make things worse by throwing the piss covered blanket, which I had mostly pushed onto the floor, right on top of me and my bed in a drunken attempt to "clean up" and wipe up the floor underneath it with a dirty pair of his underwear that he picked off the floor.
In the end, the RAs and RHD didn't even have a protocol for how to deal with it, and even though this wasn't his first incident or situation between the two of us (in two weeks mind you) and he had even just had a hearing the day before about another drunken incident, they still couldn't force him to leave the room or split us up as roommates unless he went of his own free will. Thankfully, he was apologetic and left, moving to another room. I know who his roommate was for the rest of that year, and he has some pretty interesting stories to tell as well. The antics certainly didn't stop with me."
5. Sophomore, Troy University
"So, I was studying in our common room for an Ecology exam. I started hearing slapping noises coming from my roommates room but didn't think anything of it. It kept getting louder and louder along with grunts and whimpers. Turns out, my two roommates were hitting each other with a horse whip while having sex. Needless to say, I ended up going to the library to finish studying."
6. Freshman, Troy University
"So, I had a roommate, and two suitemates that we shared a bathroom with. One of my suitemates rarely showered, and when she did, it was really her just shaving her legs in the sink. One day, before Christmas break, my roommate and I went into her room and took pictures of how disgusting everything was, because she never cleaned or picked up after herself. When we looked at everything, we found a used razor on top of her refrigerator, and MOLD ALL ON THE INSIDE OF HER MICROWAVE that she had been using for months!!!! Her room was so disgusting, there was a distinct odor that seeped into the hallway from her door."
7. Freshman, NC State
"My roommate had people under my blankets, friends who taped pictures all over my stuff, taped my shoes to the wall, made duct tape penises on the door, had group naptime on the floor with her friends, and had many obscene comments on our whiteboard."
8. Sophomore, Rider University
"I know everyone says that they had a "disgusting roommate" but mine was truly the worse! She made the whole room smell, never showered, never cleaned, and was a slob. Every time I told her to clean, she would say that she couldn't because she was "suicidal." I take suicide very seriously, but I knew that she was lying as an excuse to clean. She would pull her hair out and place it on my rug. She would be up all night and loud. She was jealous that I had friends and was passive aggressive. She REALLY pushed me to the edge one day when I opened my trash can and found her used pad on the top of my trash. I lost it. I woke her up to through the trash away and to scrub my trash can (I used it until I got a new one). The day I moved out, I slam the door shut. I never saw her again."
9. Freshman, University of Alabama
"Heard snoring around 3am walked out to the bathroom and three drunk naked boys were on my couch and my two other roommates were sitting there eating chips."
10. Freshman, Shippensburg University
"My roommate used to have guys over all the time, and there was always a new guy every week. There was one time that really pissed me off, though. She and her boyfriend at the time were in bed messing around and being loud while I was trying to sleep. After trying to drown it out, I got too angry and started shaking. I hopped out of bed, grabbed my stuff, slammed my door, and looked at my other roommate yelling, "Fuck that bitch," and stormed out of our room. She moved out the next day."
11. Junior, Elon University
"My roommates boyfriend called me frantically looking for her and I looked in her room and said she wasn't there. He called me back an hour later and said no one could find her. I looked in her room again and she was buried under her covers sleeping in her throw up. Needless to say she was found just not in the best life state."
12. Freshman, Shippensburg University
"My roommate (who was a senior when I was a freshman) never talked to me. I introduced myself at the beginning of the semester and she just grunted. Anytime we ran into each other in our room or on campus she just glared at me. She had a job on campus working at a register and she wouldn't acknowledge me other than by grunting. On Fridays her boyfriend would come over and they'd have tacos and sex. Every. Single. Friday. Her boyfriend was very friendly and talked to me more than she ever grunted at me. Our room always smelled and anytime I had guests over they'd always complain about how much it stunk. I tried EVERYTHING to fix the smell, but I couldn't get it to go away. At the end of the semester when she was moving out, I found out she had a guinea pig the entire time. Once she and her guinea pig moved out, it stopped smelling."
13. Freshman, Shippensburg University
"One weekend, my roommate decided she wanted to have some friends come visit. She brought a giant bag of swedish fish with her, and she was eating them with all of her friends. When one of her friends asked her for the bag of the, she threw the OPEN BAG across the room which resulted in the room being covered in them. We found swedish fish until the day we moved out. It was a mess."