For many, the work of a Professional Santa Claus is trivial. It would seem that they simply wear a Santa Claus suit and pose for pictures. For some of these Professional Santa’s, their work is far from simple. Children place their faith in Santa Claus; to them, Santa represents hope because no matter how awful their year was, Santa would always be there for them come Christmas time.
For some of these Professional Santa’s, they face the impossible challenge of comforting a child during a painful time in life; this could include, a family member overseas in armed service, a death of a family member, or a terminal illness. This impossible challenge was tackled by Eric Schmitt-Matzen, a 60 year-old Santa impersonator, who rushed to a Tennessee hospital after hearing the dying wish of a terminally ill five year-old. His last wish was to see Santa Claus. Schmitt-Matzen comforted the child in his last moments; he reassured him that even though he would be missing Christmas, everything would be alright and he was “Santa’s Number One Elf.” Schmitt-Matzen gave the boy a toy and hugged the him in his last moments while the boy’s family cried outside.
So while the work of a Professional Santa Claus may seem easy, there are some who take it upon themselves to ensure that innocence and hope remains in the children. It is their job not only to pose for pictures, but to make sure the joy of Christmas will be there to comfort those in need. Not every Santa tackles this impossible challenge, but those that do are the real heroes of Christmas.