The quality or condition of being sensitive.
We live in a world where it’s wrong to be sensitive,
Where it’s seen as weak, inadequate even.
If you get upset over something, all you are is butthurt,
A society that views being savage as strong and powerful.
Being sensitive and meeting your breaking point only means,
That you’re bitchy and full of yourself.
It doesn’t cross the minds of others that words and actions
Have the ability to hurt more than anything.
Sensitivity is wrong.
But that is an idea I will never stand behind.
I will put my middle finger up to that,
And argue it with everything I have.
Sensitivity is normal, needed even.
It shows raw emotion,
Gives hope that we’re not all selfish pricks.
Being sensitive does not mean you are weak,
It shows that you’ve been through things.
Things that can’t so easily be healed,
With a simple I’m sorry.
Sensitivity is not something a human should fear,
They shouldn’t be afraid to show their emotions.
There should be no ridiculing for simply expressing yourself,
For showing your hurt,
And accepting your hurt.
Sensitivity should be respected.
A person is allowed to get upset,
When hearing that not having any hair would be awful.
They’re allowed to get upset,
When they watched their mother sitting on the bathroom floor,
Sobbing as her hair fell with every movement.
A person is allowed to be sensitive when they watch,
Their own mother’s confidence and sense of worth,
Diminish into nothing.
Allowed to be sensitive over something as small as hair,
That was ripped away by abnormal cells called
A person is allowed to get upset,
When you use their sexuailty as a term
For putting down something else.
When using something that’s uncontrollable,
As an insult.
A person is allowed to get upset,
When you say it’s who you are,
Take it or leave,
That you’re going to continue saying it,
Allowed to be sensitive when their identification,
Is used against them.
Someone’s sexuality is not an adjective.
Even more so,
A person is allowed to get upset,
Over anything they want.
When their world is crumbling faster than Pompei,
And there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.
When they’re alone,
Drowning in the middle of the ocean,
They’re allowed to be upset.
When certain words and actions bring them down,
Push them to a place they’re so desperately trying,
To escape.
They are allowed to be sensitive.
They are allowed to cry and scream,
To be sensitive.
We live in a world where it’s wrong to be sensitive,
A society that views being savage as strong and powerful.
But for the love of God,
When did we turn so hateful?
When did we find ease in insulting others?
When did we throw away our morals,
Only to be replaced by our own selfishness.
When did we stop thinking that people have feelings,
And emotions that can be hurt?
When did we stop being appreciative,
And start being ungrateful for the things others are struggling for?
When did we stop thinking of it as a human race,
But more of a self race.
There should be no limit,
On the feelings and sensitivities of others.
Being savage is applauded,
So why can’t be sensitive be respected?
Why can’t tears be seen as strong,
After they’re held in for so long.
Sensitivity isn’t wrong,
It’s beautiful.
It shows raw emotion,
Shows that we are human beings with actual feelings.
That we are not walking machines,
Programmed only to feel happy.
Because that’s unrealistic,
You can’t be happy all the time,
You need sensitivity.
We live in a world where it’s wrong to be sensitive,
A society that views being savage as strong and powerful.
Where words are being thrown around with ease,
Where there’s no boundaries.
We live in a world that needs a little change,
That needs to be accepting of feelings.
Needs to become a human race once again,
Not a self race.
Where words needs to be taken into consideration,
Where feelings are valued and respected.
A world that needs to change its view.
We live in a world,
That needs more sensitivity.