1. Drink more water
2. Portion out your meals
This helps to prevent you from eating an excessive amount of carbs. A good rule of thumb is to fill half the plate with veggies, one fourth of the plate with carbs and the other fourth with protein.
3. Exercise regularly
This helps for many reasons such as losing body fat and keeping people active. It also releases endorphins that make you feel happy.
4. Replace Junk food with vegetables
Vegetables keep you fuller longer and have many nutrients. It also has lower calories than a bag of chips and prevents you from overeating.
5. Have a cheat day
It has been proven that having one cheat day a week can actually help people lose weight. This is the time where you can eat dessert or fried food (or eat both if you’re like me).
6. Do it with a friend
Friends can help for motivational purposes as well as competition.
7. Find easy, flavorful meals online
It takes a few minutes to look up a recipe online that takes less than 45 min, tastes amazing, and best of all it’s healthy for you.
8. Don’t get discouraged if you gain a pound or two in the process
Gaining a little bit of weight in the process doesn’t mean that you’re doing a bad job. It happens to everyone, and you just need to keep working.
9. Parking far away
If you can’t find time to go to the gym and exercise, parking far away can at least give you some cardio.
10. Sleep well
It may seem weird that sleep is correlated with losing weight, but it actually plays a role. While you sleep, your muscles are all repairing and your hunger hormones are resetting.