Being a college student with little funds is tough enough as it is. Doing it while having a boyfriend or girlfriend? Now that takes talent! If you are anything like me, eating the same food everyday, at the same time is not living the dream. This week, I have 10 easy changes you can make, so that eating good food won't be breaking the bank, even when you want some alone time with your date!
1. Limit your meals out.
Eating meals out on the town can be pretty expensive. Start your week off right by deciding ahead of time when you'll be dining out and try to keep it on the low end, near two or three. You're in college, not living the life of luxury.
2. Choose the right time to go eat.
This can be such an easy thing to do. Lunch is usually a little smaller of a portion size than dinner, but for a much smaller price. While, early bird meals force you to eat earlier, around 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., but is still cheaper than dinner for almost the same portion. And if you are on a time crunched schedule, then order your food to go! It is the same food without the time commitment or the tip!
3. Eat a small snack before dinner.
This can fill you up a bit so that you don't feel so hungry when you go out, hopefully causing you to order less.
4. Order appetizers for meals or split one bigger meal.
Ordering a couple of appetizers for meals is usually cheaper than getting the full thing, and it also normally comes out quicker. Or you can split one bigger meal which is about half less than you'd usually be paying! Make them feed you the spaghetti!
5. Share a drink at dinner.
If one of you orders a water, and you can agree upon another drink that you'd both care to enjoy, then that action alone can cut your cost down by about $2.50. Plus, there are almost always free refills and you get to be those people.
6. Taking your student title to its full potential.
Try eating in the area surrounding or inside of your campus. They may offer you a college student discount.
7. Pay for your own food.
I know in society it is ideal that the man pay for the woman. Well, that'd be nice if we were all making $50K a year or maybe even $1K. You will spend way less money if you aren't always paying for your partner. Make the respectable decision to pay for yourself. Maybe you'll snag a hottie like me who offers to pay a lot of the time and especially on significant occasions.
8. Sandwiches and a picnic.
Try making some PB&J sandwiches, grabbing a blanket and hitting some fluffy grass. A cheap meal for a beautiful night enjoying the magnificent creation around us.
9. Grab your favorite cafeteria items.
Pick out some of you favorite things from the cafeteria and hit the couch. Turn on some Netflix, cuddle up with your buddy and just have a chill night. No homework, no stress, just food and "Harry Potter" for the next 24 hours.
10. Grocery store dessert.
No need to spend $10 on dessert for one person and have such a small amount of sugar. Hit the grocery store and buy a mini-cake for about the same price or two pints of ice cream for much less!