Procrastination. We’re all guilty of it, especially when we’re drowning in work with endless deadlines to meet. But sometimes, other activities are more enticing than sitting down and getting our work done. Here are ten suggestions on procrastination ideas (in case you’re bored with your current activities):
1. Aimlessly surf the internet
Check Facebook. Then Instagram. Then Twitter. Oh, and don’t forget about Pinterest, Tumblr, and Buzzfeed. Once you’ve checked them all, repeat the process. Chat with friends. Whatever gets your mind off of the paper you’re supposed to be writing.
2. Watch Netflix
This is a pretty obvious one, but worth mentioning nonetheless. I mean, who wouldn’t prefer to watch every season of Parks and Rec over writing a ten-page essay?
3. Cook something
What better time to try one of those new Pinterest recipes you found in your spare time? Just make sure you have all the ingredients before starting.
4. Read your planner over and over again to remind yourself of how much you actually have to do
It’s even okay to cry a little about it. Just don’t think *too* much about it, or you’ll ruin the fun of procrastination.
5. Run errands
Started to make that cool new taco recipe, but realized you didn’t have tortillas? Go ahead and take a trip to the grocery store. Maybe even hit up Target in the process. Who doesn’t like a spur of the moment shopping spree in Target?
6. Stare at your assignment(s) for an unknown period of time
Open up that word document for your paper. Write a title. Take a peek at your calculus homework. At least it’s a start, right?
7. Play video games
Because sometimes it feels better to beat your friends in Mario Kart when you know you have other things to be doing.
8. Stare at a wall
Staring at a wall might seem kind of boring to most, but when you have a never-ending list of things to do, it can be pretty intriguing.
9. Clean and organize your entire room/apartment/house
Who can get work done with a messy room? Cleaning everything you own before starting any homework can assure better grades. (Okay, probably not, but at least you’ll feel accomplished).
10. Take a nap
When all else fails, just sleep. Sleep can cure pretty much everything, and sometimes it’s the best way to take your mind off of your responsibilities.
So go ahead, take a break from the monotony of school assignments, and try a route of procrastination that you’ve never tried before. Just make sure to actually get your work done before the deadline. Nobody wants an F because they marathoned an entire Netflix series in one weekend.