It’s that time of year again, and the holidays are upon us. I work retail during the weekends, and it’s chaotic. Merchandise are all over the floor, and people are mad that their favorite item is not in stock. It’s crazy, and here are ten tips on being a good customer so people like me can make it through the holidays safely.
1.Be polite to me since I am human after all, and manners can go a long way.
2. Don’t yell at me if your item is out of stock since it’s not my fault.
3. Shop early so you aren’t doing stuff at the last minute.
4. Clean up after yourself when you are done since it’s the right thing to do. At least be considerate of other shoppers.
5. Don’t yell at me if the machine goes down since it happens, and it’s not my fault.
6. Have your form of payment ready especially when there is a long line.
7. Treat the staff like they are people and don’t ignore them if they say hi back.
8. Be patient when waiting in a long line, and don’t take it out on the person behind the register.
9. If the store is busy then be patient when waiting for assistance.
10. Above all be nice since they are doing all they can especially if they are short staffed.
The holidays can be horrible so follow these tips to be a good customer. Clean up after yourself, have your payment ready, and above all be patient.