Ten Tips For Ten Hours | The Odyssey Online
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Ten Tips For Ten Hours

How to survive a cross-country road trip without losing your mind.

Ten Tips For Ten Hours

Other than the occasional visit to grandma and grandpas in Mansfield, Ohio over the years and a few moves here-and-there at a younger age, I really didn’t have much experience with long car trips. That was until I enrolled as a student at the University of Denver and made the daring decision to bring my car to school. At first, it seemed like a great idea, and it was. Having a car accessible whenever I want to go hiking, skiing, or simply grab a few notecards from the local Walgreens before my upcoming finals is extremely convenient. Still, there is one small detail that I didn’t seem to think about before making this decision- the drive.

Less than a year ago, I drove my car out to school with a close friend of mine. The drive was surprisingly easy, and we seemed to get back to school in no time at all! Then again, I slept for most of the ride the way out and we kept ourselves busy talking about the upcoming quarter. Then I did the drive with my parents, and I have to say it was a bit more tedious.

Thus, I compiled a list of the ten things I believe everyone should keep in mind when taking a road trip.

1.) Make a playlist

This was definitely the biggest challenge I had when it came to driving with my parents. It’s not that they don’t like hip/hop or rap, but my go to “Cruise” playlist wasn’t exactly what they had in mind for the 15-hour drive. That being said, it’s important to keep in mind who you will be driving with and create a playlist with music that everyone can enjoy.

2.) Give yourself a project

Some people can’t stand reading in the car, others find it to be the most relaxing thing in the world, regardless of your stance on the matter, it always makes a long trip go by faster if you give yourself an activity to do- so do it! Grab a good book, buy a coloring book, or find a Sudoku booklet before you leave the house. Whatever you enjoy, make sure you have it with you to keep you busy during your hours of potential boredom.

3.) Walk at stops

Perhaps some of you already do this when you take a long road trip, but I would have to say that the most exhausting part of the trip is having to sit still all day and get hardly any movement in whatsoever. That’s when the gas station becomes your best friends. When your driving partner is in the bathroom, don’t just hop back in the car. Walk around and take a few laps before you’re wheels up again. You’ll be glad that you did.

4.) Have a deep conversation

Often times, there are questions we want to ask other people that we refrain from because we fear the long drawn-out conversation that is most likely going to come out of that initial curiosity. However, long car trips are basically the excuse you’ve been looking for to ask! With hours to spare, nothing bad can come out of having a deep conversation because both people in the car have time to spare.

5.) Stop for food

Everyone I have talked to who takes a long road trip says that they just want to get there as fast as possible, and while I agree, I think that there’s also a huge benefit in stopping every so often. Being trapped in a car with someone else for too long can really cause the two of you to want to kill each other, so having that occasional break makes all the difference.

6.) Work out the morning of/night before

Believe me, I know that not everyone is the type of person who enjoys working out, and that for most people the idea of waking up extra early the morning of a tedious road trip is absolutely exhausting. Still, it makes all the difference. Sitting for too long can really cause your mind to deteriorate, but if you work out the night before or morning of a strenuous road trip, your body is much more alert and tolerable of the drive.

7.) Sight-seeing is not over rated

Once we reach a certain age, we start to think that stopping to admire a beautiful mountain view is a complete waste of time. Well, actually, most people think that’s a complete waste of time for all of their lives. In actuality, taking a moment to admire something you have never seen before and appreciating it on a whole new level can spark a conversation and even allow for some peace of mind.

8.) Sleep

It may not always be that ideal for the driver, but sleeping in long car trips absolutely makes the trip go by faster. If you’re like me, and you tend to feel guilty falling asleep on your fellow passenger, ask them if they have a playlist of music they wouldn’t mind listening to while you clock out for a couple hours. This not only gives you the chance to catch some z’s, but it also gives them the opportunity to rock out to all those songs they know you’d be rolling your eyes at.

9.) Channel your inner creative

While it doesn’t always feel like it, it’s often quite easy to come up with a fun and easy way to pass the time for a long road trip. Don’t hesitate to try it out! Channel the inner creative inside and try to think of ways that you and your passenger may be able to make the trip a little more exciting.

10.) Road games are not over rated

When we’re younger, we play games like “I Spy” and “Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral” with energy and enthusiasm, but as we get older we start to think that these games are boring and dumb. Rest assured, they are not! Think of it in the sense that throughout all the years, you have accumulated much more knowledge on worldly things and can stump your passenger more now than ever before!

I realize that these tips may not work for everyone, but I hope those who accept the challenge of a strenuous road trip find them helpful and even a little big interesting. With patience and these ten things, a ten-hour car ride can feel like 10 minutes easily!

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