Growing up in a small local neighborhood where house are a few feet apart makes it pretty easy to meet your neighbors- even if their a few houses across or over. Sometimes you’re lucky and make a friendship that lasts a lifetime. I can’t even begin to describe how close my neighbor Geena and I have been ever since we were little. It has not always been rainbows and sunshine, but we always have each other’s back no matter what. Here are some phrases you can relate to if you and your neighbor are besties;
1) “Do you have power/gas/water?”
Unfortunately, the no water issue is like a bi-monthly occurrence in the neighborhood I live in.
2) “Want to grab lunch?”
This is a weekly question.
3) "Did you hear that?"
It could have been the monthly test alarm going off but either way they've always got your back!
4) "I have the best story to tell you, I'm coming over."
Oh the stories; Maybe it was something funny that occurred in class or an amazing first date, they're always down to hear whatever you have to say and vice-versa.
5) I made some *insert food here*, want some?
This comes in clutch especially when you're babysitting a neighbor and you're hungry. Mac and cheese for the win!
6) Can I come over?
This is a daily question.
7) Can I come over? Okay good because I'm here.
Even better!
8) Want to go to *insert store name here* with me? Because I don't want to see *insert name of someone you don't like* alone.
No one likes shopping alone, especially when you could possibly run into someone you don't like..
9) Target and/or ice cream run?
Who doesn't like Target and ice cream? Driving the back roads you grew up on blasting some music and jamming hard is always a great time.
10) Wine night?
Do I need to say more? Everyone likes grapes!