I could go on and on about all of the things having a mother who is also your best friend adds to your life, but to make this a whole lot shorter, here are my top ten.
Ten things you need to thank your mom for because lets be honest, you don’t thank her enough.
- ALWAYS being on your side, even when you’re wrong. I remember being totally in the wrong for things when I was younger and my mom may have known I had made a mistake, and she would definitely let me know, but to the outside world she had my back, because we are a team.
- Dressing you in ugly dresses and tights as a kid. Sure the plaid was ugly and the fact that she let you match your plaid Mary Kate & Ashley trapper keeper to your plaid Mary Kate & Ashley pants is terrifying to think of now, she never judged you in the first place for thinking that was a normal thought process.
- For dealing with you when you’re in your WORST moods. I don’t know about you all but when I have a bad day I sometimes come home and take it out on the people I I00% shouldn’t, one being my mom. She would know I had a bad day and she would still love me, temporary bad attitude and all. Thank you mom.
- For always coming through when I forget to tell her I needed something from the store at eleven pm for school the next day. I was the queen of procrastination and very often would leave things to the very last possible second growing up. My mother would go out into a snowstorm so I had that random item I was obligated to bring to school for the next day.
- For not hating me when I would do something you told me not to do and things would turn out horribly, and need your help in fixing it. Sure I still heard the “how many times did I tell you never to do this” speech as you were helping me fix the mess, but you still helped me fix it.
- For listening to my teenage gossip growing up for hours on end and letting me vent to you as long as I needed. I don’t know how many people could listen to me talk for hours and still give me advice and make me feel better about the situation, and never act annoyed or like they had better things to do. You are SO patient with me.
- For giving me the tools to make it through life. I know I may not have always been able to do all of the things my friends were allowed to do growing up, but now as a somewhat-adult I know why. You protected me from a lot and taught me how to actually make it through life. Thank you.
- For being nosey when I was growing up. It may have been annoying at the time to have a mom that knew way too many details growing up but today I am thankful for it. Her nosiness has saved a lot of trouble for me throughout the years.
- For seeing my fake friends before me. If ANYONE can spot a fake friend before me, it’s my mother. She always warned me of those whose intentions were no good before I was able to see it myself. This has been so helpful over the years.
- For always having a home filled with food, and love. Our house never ran short of either.
Thank you for all that you have sacrificed over the years mom, xo.