10 Things You Must Do In Providence This Summer | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You Must Do In Providence This Summer

It's a Rhode Island summer bucket list!

10 Things You Must Do In Providence This Summer

Rhode Island may be the smallest state, but that is no indicator of how much it has to offer - especially in the summer. There are always new things to do and see, even north of Rhode Island's popular beaches. The following is a Providence summer bucket list of 10 free or affordable options that I have compiled for myself to complete. Anyone else want to give it a try?

1. PVD Donuts

Providence's first specialty donut shop, PVD Donuts opened in May and has been selling out daily since. The shop opens at 8 am Wed-Sun and is open until they sell out! Rise and shine this summer with friends to try these incredibly unique and delicious donuts, 200 Allens Avenue, Providence.

2. Rooftop at the Providence G

Providence G is Providence's first and only rooftop restaurant and bar. This is the perfect summer spot to spend a memorable afternoon or evening with friends. Even though this one's going to cost you, it certainly will be worth it. 100 Dorrance Street, Providence.

3. Food Truck Friday at Roger Williams Park Zoo Carousel

Food Truck Friday is held at the Roger Williams Park Carousel Village every week. Come out and try some food from Rhode Island's best local food trucks. 1000 Elmwood Ave, Providence.

4. Movies on the Block

Movies on the Block screens movies every Thursday night for free. Come prepared with a blanket or beach chairs and be sure to get there early! For a list of upcoming movies visit http://www.moviesontheblock.com. 260 Westminster Street, Providence.

5. Providence Flea Festival

The Providence Flea is held every Sunday from 10am-2pm and consists of unusual finds, art, fashion, local crafts, curiosities, furniture, food trucks and more.

6. Prospect Park

You've probably seen the photo before, but have you ever actually gone to Prospect Park? This small, yet beautiful park offers a stunning overview of the city and river - perfect for a summer picnic with friends. 184 Pratt Street, Providence.

7. Antonio's Pizza by the Slice

If you haven't been to Antonio's Pizza before, now is the time. Sold by the slice, you can try different unique slices for an affordable price. I highly recommend the quesadilla pizza. (You'll thank me later). 256 Thayer Street, Providence.

8. Providence Summer Concert Series

The city of Providence is partnering with WBRU 95.5 to present the 2016 Providence Summer Concert Series. The concerts are free to the public and begin at 7:30 pm. You can find a list of upcoming concerts here http://www.wbru.com/2016-summer-concert-series-lin… Waterplace Park.

9. The Westminster Arcade

The Westminster Arcade is the nation's oldest indoor shopping mall and has been renovated and reopened as a residential and commercial mixed-use building. Designated as a historical landmark in 1976, this building is certainly worth exploring for its history, ambiance and to check out the charming shops and boutiques. 65 Weybosset Street, Providence.

10. Shelter Arcade Bar

The Shelter Arcade Baris New England's first and only arcade bar with classic arcade games, pinball, board and card games. And can't forget the craft beer. 111 Dike Street, Providence.

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