Mock Trial in college is one of the greatest things I've decided to do. Not only is this a great team to be on if you want to prepare for law school or to be a lawyer, this also helps you cone in on your debate skills and public speaking skills. Despite all the positives of mock trial, it's definitely hard work. Here are ten things you know are true if you're a mocker.
1. Your coach scares the crap out of you.
When you first meet your coach your freshman year, they are most likely a lawyer who seems like they know everything. And they most likely do, which makes them completely terrifying. You eventually learn to love them despite the fact they can still scare you pretty easily if they want to.
2. Reading the case the first time takes forever.
There's always that one kid that has the whole case read the first day, but everyone else is completely floundering. Reading the case the first time is definitely the hardest time. There are so many names and problems and exhibits. No one can keep everything straight.
3. Case changes can ruin your life.
Every time you hear about a case change you pray to the mock gods that it's not a character you're dealing with. And if it is you start to contemplate why you ever joined Mock Trial in the first place and if it's worth it to stay.
4. It's the same level of work as a 300 level class.
Reading the case, memorizing statements, planning out a cross and direct. All of these things take up so much time not to mention how much else you have on the side. And no one understands how much time and effort this takes unless they're also in Mock Trial.
5. You say you're going to quit at least once a week.
Sometimes you're joking and other times you strongly mean it. Mock Trial is a lot of work and stress. Sometimes quitting doesn't seem like such a bad idea until you remember that you'll be called a traitor by the rest of the team until you graduate.
6. Argumentative lawyers become the most hated.
We all know those lawyers at competitions who scream at the witness and for some reason the judge seems to really enjoy it. Yet everyone else on your team wants to fight this person after the round.
7. Everything's worth it when you step into the court room and start talking.
Knowing that you are arguing something you put together and that you feel as though you're doing it well is one of the best feelings. This is a feeling of excitement and nerves as you start a round and wonder how it's going to go.
8. Winning objections is the best feeling.
Winning an objection makes you feel like you've won an entire round. You argued your way into a victory and if that's not something a lawyer gets excited about then I don't know what is.
9. Coming up with themes is the hardest struggle.
You want to be original, but you want it to sound smart and catchy. Sitting around for hours trying to figure out a theme is one of the worst but always ends up with a good laugh when the themes start to get a little crazy.
10. Your team is your family.
There's nothing better than spending time with your team, especially when you love them. You know you can count on them to tell you when you mess up but lift you up when you're feeling down. Your Mock Trial team is your family and that's all that matters.