With every college major, you formulate a little “clique” of sorts where you are the only people who know and can joke about everything that goes on in your classes. You permanently have inside jokes with your favorite professors, know who to take and who not to take, and if you’re in a smaller major, you know pretty much everyone and most of their business.
For those of us who are in writing, we often get weird responses because we’re a mix of different things. We aren’t English majors and we don’t do journalism either (despite what everyone thinks). So if you are a writing major, you will know all of these things to be true:
1. Everyone thinks you’re an English major.
We are, in fact, not English majors. Actually, we don’t get along with most of them because we each think we’re better than the other. (Writing majors are definitely cooler, though).
2. “Why would you do that?"
Why wouldn’t I want to do it? I literally am getting a degree in what I already do normally. Win-win situation.
3. “You’re going to be a journalist, right?”
Actually, no, I’m not. In fact, that’s the last thing on my mind. And if I actually wanted to be a journalism major, I would be *gasp* a JOURNALISM MAJOR.
4. People think your degree is useless.
Writing is in almost every discipline. Sorry not sorry for getting a degree that makes me marketable in the job market.
5. It isn’t unusual for your professors to cancel class just for fun.
They write too, often late at night. Sometimes they just don’t want to be there and would rather be doing literally anything else. They know we need to write too, so it just happens.
6. Your professors are getting published or are at a conference every other week.
It’s not unusual for your professor to be gone for several classes at a time due to traveling. They will also talk about all their new manuscripts and publications any time they come out. It inspires some people, it discourages others. Take your pick.
7. You don’t understand the stress of finals week.
While your friends are pulling an all-nighter in the library, you are simply finishing up a reflection letter or simple manuscript as your final. You’ll also hear the professors complain about having to give a final because they agree it is just as pointless.
8. All your professors like the same things you do.
This isn’t just limited to writing. More often than not, they will like the same movies, music, types of writing, and usually dress like college students too. It makes for a nice and relaxed classroom, and we like it.
9. People ask you to proofread their papers all the time.
This might annoy some less than others, but it gets old when people constantly ask. If you need it so bad, go to a tutor. At least they get paid for it.
10. You likely spend more money on books and literary-related things than you’d care to admit.
You probably run out of bookshelf space every other week. Your coffee mugs and t-shirts all have literary elements or puns on them. And you flaunt it all without shame.