This weekend my friends and I went on a camping trip to Black Mountain, and in the time we spent away from the hectic college experience, we found a sense of peace. Black Mountain is approximately two and a half hours away from Winston- Salem, NC. It is located in the town of Buncombe County, NC and has around 8,000 occupants. When entering Black Mountain, you discover the lack of phone service provided and gain memories that will last you a life time.
Here are the ten things I learned while I was camping with my friends:
1) Just because there is a lack of phone service; doesn’t mean you can’t have fun!
The moment we entered Black Mountain, there was no cell phone service, but not having our phones enabled to fully enjoy the moments and memories we were making with each other.
2) The road trip can be just as fun as the actual camping--if you’re with the right people.
The road trip down and back was a perfect time for us to sing our hearts out and learn more about each other’s taste of music. Personally, I feel like we had more fond memories of us stopping and taking pictures along the way than we did throughout the trip.
3) Go camping with like minded individuals.
I went camping with two of my flat mates (Ashlyn and Meehan), and throughout this entire experience we had the same objectives and desires for our trip away.
4) Camping is a learning experience.
Going camping with family and friends is a time for everyone to grow and with the desire to learn from your experiences, there becomes a common end goal with those around you.
5) Laugh at your mistakes.
Mistakes are going to be made when you're camping, but it's how you handle those mistakes is what can make or break your trip. We learned to laugh at them and enjoy the memories and lesson we were learning.
6) You will become closer!
Without phone reception, there was the sense that if there is an issue you will have to rely on those around you. This will strengthen the bonds of friendship and give you the sense of unification will carry you through the difficult times.
7) Trusting your friends will become a natural instinct.
Camping with them gives you a sense of trust, and if you’re with people that you trust, then you know they will be there if you fall or if you run up on a bear.
8) Have a camera to capture the moments you would like to remember for the rest of your life.
Even if you don’t have cell phone reception, the camera still works, so document these moments--you will want to remember them in fifty years.
9) Enjoy the events that going on around the camp.
Whether the events are hiking or swimming or listening to great music, there is always something that will peak your interest. I had the pleasure of listening to amazing blue grass music from ‘The Robertson Boys’ (which is the band my roommate Ashlyn is a part of.)
10) Expect the Unexpected.
Just because there are some unexpected events doesn’t mean that it can ruin your trip. Enjoy these moments because they, oftentimes, make the trip so special. Also, these same events end up being the moments you remember years from now and want to tell your grandchildren.
These ten things I learned about my camping with my friends, and I hope y'all get out there and make memories through camping or any activity you prefer!