When I graduated from college I had this idea of what the real world was going to be like. I would be independent, I would have a great job, I would be able to buy cute clothes for my great job. I had it all figured out, or so I thought. The truth is, college doesn't prepare you for everything the real world is about to throw at you. Here are just a few things that I have learned so far!
1. Your don't deserve your dream job.
Sorry to break it to you, but you don't deserve your dream job...yet. Take a step back and look at who currently has your dream job, what did they do to get there? Start from there and be willing to work. If you have a strong work ethic you will go so much farther than thinking that things should just be handed to you because they are your dreams.
2. Don't say no to opportunities.
Just because something isn't in your master plan doesn't mean that it is something you shouldn't do. Try it! I will tell you that I am not currently doing anything that I set out to do once I graduated, but the things that I just tried have been invaluable experiences. You learn something so unique from each experience you have, so take the internship you aren't sure about, join an adult intramural team or volunteer! You never know where that experience can lead you.
3. Learn to budget.
When you get out on your own and are making your first salary, it can seem like a lot of money! Hey, you went from college where you made $300 a month at your part time job to getting what seems to be a pretty big chunk of change and that is awesome! But, if you want it to last learn how to set a budget, mom and dad aren't going to bail you out anymore.
4. You have time.
Just because you aren't in the perfect job, the perfect relationship or the perfect apartment it is OK. You have time! Don't spend your time wallowing over how things aren't perfect, instead embrace where you are. Learn about yourself, do some soul searching and enjoy the journey.
5. Friendships will come and go.
The best piece of advice I received once I graduated was that if someone isn't adding to your life then don't let them take anything from you. The thing is, once you are working full time and doing all of your adult things you don't have time for the drama or the pettiness anymore. Your time is precious and trust me you will not want to waste it. So don't be afraid to pull back or spend more time on certain friendships. Find the people who add to your life.
6. Coffee is your friend.
Not only will you be relying on the caffeine to get you through your 8 hour work day staring at a computer screen, but it is the greatest networking tool of all time (at least in my opinion). Never be afraid to reach out to someone who interests you, inspires you or challenges you. Ask to buy them a cup of coffee and pick their brains. Coffee dates are where my most valued advice and realizations have come from. You would be surprised how much you can learn about a career, a job or a person over a cup of coffee.
7. Timelines are for the impractical.
That perfect life you had planned out for yourself; dream job by 23, married by 25, travel the world by 26 and have kids by 28. It's not going to happen just because you made that timeline. Timelines make you hone in on these numbers, these dates, these goals that may or may not be realistic. Set a goal, work to achieve it but let life happen along the way.
8. Your dream can change.
If you are anything like me once I graduated then you might realize that you really don't like what you majored in. THAT IS OKAY. Most people do not work in a field that has anything to do with what they majored in. Sometimes you learn by trial and error and those lessons are great because you tried, and you can't regret trying!
9. Everyone is different.
You will have people around you who get promoted before you, get married before you, or many other countless life milestones before you. Celebrate with them and don't take these things to heart. You are on your own path, your own journey and it has its own pace. Don't try to compare your path to others because everyone's is different. Embrace your path and walk it with your head held high.
10. Home is where the heart is.
The real world is tough but you can always go home. Your family know you best and are your biggest advocates so ask them for advice and listen. Become friends with your parents and learn from their mistakes. Home is the one place that can stay steady in what seems like a crazy world.
I will leave you with this. Work hard and love fiercely. Believe in your dreams and be present. View failure as a stepping stone for success and celebrate often. You can do this. Happy trails!