Valentine's Day has originally been the day to celebrate love and romance. However, since only a small and lucky part of the population actually has someone to spend the day with, the rest of us can really feel left out on the celebrations. It would seem that one can only enjoy Valentine's Day if they have been struck by Cupid's arrow. For these few blessed love-struck people, the fourteenth of February is a day filled with flowers, chocolate, romantic candlelight dinners and a kiss goodnight. Valentine's Day is all about love, but the thing about love is that love comes in many forms. Romantic love is not the only kind of love out there, and Valentine's Day should not be contained to the type of love that comes in a heart-shaped box of chocolate. There is a love for life, families and friends. However, there is one necessary type of love that must be felt by every person before they can love anything else. This type of love is love for oneself. This is not about being full of yourself, but it about being comfortable in who you are and loving yourself for it. Do not forget yourself on Valentine's Day, and here are just a few ways to "treat yo'self" on the day of love.
1. Go shopping!
Sure, it is always good to get gifts for other people on Valentine's Day, but there is nothing wrong with getting yourself that purse you have had your eye on for months or that really cute new sweater you spotted while online shopping when you were bored in class. The mall is a magical place that will love you as much as or more than you love it. As Rebecca Bloomwood says, "A man can never treat you as well as a store." Obviously, do not go crazy. But the winter is long, and school can really drain on you this time of year. Besides, if you do not have a significant other in your life, you are going to have a little extra cash flow to spend on something for yourself. It would be nice to pick up something for your friends too, but there is nothing wrong with being just a bit self-centered sometimes, especially at the mall.
2. Go to a movie!
There is no better escape than the movies, and the time around Valentine's Day has some of the best movies of the year. Your own romantic life may be slacking, but that does not mean you cannot live vicariously through some awkward yet likable hero in a stereotypical romantic comedy. They are repetitive and cliche, but that is why we keep going back and spending money on on overpriced popcorn. I know this month, my friends and I are looking forward to the newest Rebel Wilson flick, "How to Be Single." Many of us do not need major lessons in how to be single, but Wilson may have some great insight for the rest of us.
3. Go get coffee!
Whether you have a coffee date with your best friend or you're just spend a Sunday studying at Starbucks, a caffeine fix is one of the best little ways to give yourself a treat. You might be a hardcore Starbucks fan or you may be more of a local coffee shop type of person. I love both, but just remember it is about you. Yes, lots of people go to Starbucks, but if you like Starbucks, go to Starbucks. Their scones are amazing, and the people are always just so nice. It also can be fun to go and find a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop where you can study in dim, artsy lighting. I think there are great parts of both, but regardless of where you go, a latte is a latte. Coffee is coffee. Caffeine is caffeine. You will not be let down.
4. Make yourself a picnic!
This may sound weird, but just hear me out. The weather lately has been amazing for this time of year, and it is time to give a little love to the great outdoors. You do not have to go all out and pack a basket and bring a blanket. I mean you totally can, but that is a bit of a hassle, especially for just one person. Just go to Panera for a to-go order, get your favorite book and just go to a park or somewhere really pretty outside and enjoy yourself. It is so relaxing and fun. I am certainly not the most outdoorsy person, but I can attest to the fact this is very enjoyable. Fresh air will always do you good.
5. Go hiking!
Sort of going along with the last point, a great way to just spend some time with yourself is just to go for a walk or hike. You can go to walk around the neighborhood, you can walk in the park, you could walk on a trail in the woods somewhere. You even could climb Mount Everest if that is feasible and you are up to it. That may not be realistic for most people, but just get out and get moving because you and nature have a date this Valentine's Day.
6. Go out to dinner!
I know it sounds sort of lame to go out to dinner by yourself, but think of it this way, you can order whatever appetizer you want and you get it all to yourself. You can order whatever expensive, big dessert you want without fear of judgement. Going on dates with other people is so nerve-wrecking. You have to think of conversation, be considerate of what you order if the other person is paying, and you have to avoid all pasta dishes in order to not risk getting your clothes dirty. When it is just you, yourself, and you, you can do whatever you please. It is advisable to bring a book or fully-charged phone so you do not just sit there. You also an bring a friend if you are willing to split/compromise on the appetizer. However, always be on the lookout for a cute waiter. Love comes from unexpected places.
7. Sleep in!
So, if you are like me, sleeping in on the weekend is not an especially big treat because it sort of is a regular occurrence. However, do it a bit differently than you normally would and just enjoy your morning. Stay in bed, and enjoy a book or some Netflix. Make yourself some nice breakfast or even go out to brunch. Just ease into the day. This is a time that should be all about you, and nothing should rush or stress you on your sleeping-in day. You can be as lazy and boring as you want because it is your time to just relax and enjoy life.
8. Cook yourself dinner!
If you are not up for the earlier idea of going out to dinner by yourself, why not cook yourself a delicious gourmet dinner in the comfort of your own home? You can have the fun of going to shop for food, and you do not have to worry about waiting for a table or making an awkward reservation for one. Not everyone is the best cook in the world, but that is totally okay. It is all about having fun and trying something new. Find a cool recipe of something you have always wanted to make but have never had the chance to. If you mess it up or burn it, takeout is always an option too.
9. Buy a book!
Books can provide an even better escape than movies from the dullness of everyday life. They can take you to another time, place and world for just a few hours when the real world is just a little too much to take in. The nice thing about them is that you can escape at your own pace. It is your choice when you want to depart and when you want to return. The world of books is also a place where you can rewind time and go back to some of your favorite memories in the books you explore. There are so, so many different types of books out there, and there is bound to be something you will love. Take a trip to the bookstore or library and find yourself a little Valentine's Day treat. You will not be disappointed.
10. Reflect!
Not get to super cheesy or cliche, but just take Valentine's Day to reflect a bit on all the people in your life who love you. Be thankful to them. It is important to love yourself first, because you cannot expect other people to love you when you cannot love yourself. However, part of loving yourself is recognizing that you are worthy of love. Be thankful to the people who unconditionally care about you in good times and in bad. They are the ones who are going to stick by you through everything.