Being in choir all four years of high school was one of the best experiences of my life. There are certain things that all choir people know to be true, here are a few of them.
1. Sight Reading is the bane of your existence.
It is a necessary evil that all choir students must endure. Everyone hates it, but it must be done.
2. The friendships you make are for life.
I may not speak to them much nowadays, but I know my choir girls have my back if I ever need them!
3. Your director is your best friend!
I still talk to my choir teacher all the time. I go visit him whenever I can!
4. All field trips include a sing-a-long.
5. Losing your voice is almost like a death sentence.
6. You always have one of your concert pieces stuck in your head!
Contate Domino was the song for me. I was an alto and we had the same words over and over again.
7. The choir room is your safe place.
8. Singing in a foreign language is basically faking it until you make it.
9. When the altos try to sing the high notes during warm ups!
I was guilty of this, as were many of my friends.
10. There is always the one person your section relies on and if they are sick you are DOOMED!