Let's be real, there are some things that we all do that we need to stop doing. I have always been the person to do everything in my power to be friendly with everyone. However, I have gotten so caught up in making other people happy, that my happiness takes a backseat. In my opinion, that isn't okay. Therefore, here are ten things I am done with for good.
1. Letting people take advantage of me.
After having people walk all over me for years, I am not having it. Do not abuse my sweetness.
2. Giving time to people who could care less about me.
I am a very busy woman. If I make time for you during my hectic schedule, it means that I genuinely care about you. Who I will not make time for are people that never check on me or always have something negative to say about me.
3. Being responsible for other people's actions.
I have enough responsibilities as an adult. I don't need to handle yours.
4. Giving exes second chances.
They are exes for a reason. I refuse to be done wrong twice.
5. Listening to people who won't take their own advice.
I cannot tell you how irritating it is to listen to people speak words of wisdom and not use them for themselves.
6. Sugar-coating my thoughts and feelings.
I have learned the hard way that sugar-coating the truth gets me in trouble. Brutal honesty is the best policy.
7. Apologizing for things I have no control over.
Apologizing for something that is out of my hands is probably one pf the dumbest things I have ever done.
8. Letting people decide my future.
It's my life, future, brain, and education. That belongs to nobody else but me.
9. Hanging out with people that never initiate plans with me.
Friendship is a two-way street, remember that.
10. Trying to make everybody happy.
As much as I would love to be able to do this, it can't happen. People are always going to complain. I just need to remind myself that I did my best to make that person happy. If it wasn't enough, oh well.