Let's face it, being the oldest sibling can be pretty great because you get to do everything before any of your other siblings do. You get to learn how to drive a car, you'll probably be the first to marry or move out, and opportunities will usually come first to you before they do to them. Still, there's so much responsibility that comes with being the oldest sibling that sometimes you wish you had an older brother or sister yourself to take some of the heat off you.
I'm the oldest sibling of four, which means I have trained myself to be patient above all else, but even I can't manage with so many kids all at once sometimes. Below are my top ten struggles of being the oldest sibling.
1. All Eyes Are On You
Don't expect anyone to let you drop the ball.
GiphyEveryone wants someone to look up to, and whether it's by your parents, or your siblings themselves, everyone is expecting you to do amazing things to follow. It's tough having to bear the burden of setting a good example for your siblings, but we do it anyway, or try to at least.
2. You Have To Drive Everyone Around
Unfortunately, being the oldest sibling means you're the first to get their license, so you know that your parents and siblings are going to take advantage of that. Get ready for a few hitchhikers on your way to hang out with your friends or else you won't be going out at all.
3. You're the Go-To Babysitter
Everything that can go wrong, probably will.
GiphyLet's face it. If your parents need some downtime, they're going to look to you to be the one to hold the house down while they're away. It's a little problematic when your siblings are rebellious and refuse to acknowledge you as an authority figure, but you're going to have to make it work.
4. Whether You Want Kids Or Not, Diaper Changes Are In Your Future
I know plenty of friends that don't really want to have kids. For me, this was a great life skill because I do want kids in the future, but for others, this was just another task of being the oldest that did not sit right with them.
5. You're The Homework Helper
If your siblings are having trouble with school, and mom and dad have no clue how to go about that math problem, you're the one whose door will be getting knocked on to question. Let's just hope you were good at math, or else this might become a little embarrassing very quickly.
6. 2-Player Video Games Are Necessary
When you have little siblings hounding you every time you so much as pick up a console controller... it's game over. Get ready to shape up and learn how to share your video games, which may or may not get broken or lost in the process. Don't even think about playing that 1-player game and if you do, hopefully your siblings are young enough to think that by you plugging in an extra controller they are suddenly part of the experience.
7. TV Schedules Are MESSED Up
This factors in well especially if you have baby siblings because your parents are going to want to have the babies as entertained as possible. Dora the Explorer, Wonder Pets, and all the fun kiddie shows will be on repeat non-stop in your household. Learn to watch TV while they're sleeping, unless you have a spare in your house (which they will try to control too).
8. Learn to Keep Valuables Locked & Hidden
This was a lesson I had to learn very quickly. Your siblings are going to want what's yours and there's nothing you can do to stop them unless you become an expert in hiding everything precious to you. As said before, they will break all you love and/or lose it, so to avoid it, you have to take all precautionary measures imaginable to ensure the safety of the things you love.
9. You'll Take Blame for Things You Didn't Do
Unfortunately, your siblings will be younger, and thus, probably cuter especially if there's a wide age gap. Depending on their age, your parents will still be in the "awww, my child will never lie to me" phase when you know it's all a sham. Get ready to take the heat for things your siblings do and blame on you, because I can name quite a few moments I took the fall for my brother Ryan's failures as he stuck his tongue out at me.
10. They Will Always Be There
Now, this is a struggle, because no matter where you go, your siblings will always be there. Your privacy is a thing of the past and your life is now intertwined with theirs; however, you now have people to depend on. As annoying as siblings can be, they are your family, and you know you have each other's backs when the going gets tough. Sure, as the oldest sibling you'll struggle quite a bit, but it'll be worth it to know your little siblings are ready to help you out when needed.