Finals are rough and preparing for them is even rougher, but at least we have Tina Fey to put it all into perspective for us.
1. You start off really confident in all the different ways you are going to study for your exams and all the awesome grades you are going to get.
2. You begin to realize that all of the notes you took throughout the semester no longer make sense, so you depend on the internet for answers.
3. Procrastination sets in and so does the need to eat everything possible.
4. You start to see all your friends who are at different schools post about how they're done with exams, and you secretly start to wish you went to their college instead.
5. You begin to study again, then realize that there's more food that needs to be eaten.
6. You realize all the studying you'll have to do tomorrow to make up for all the procrastination you did today.
7. You finally buckle down and start to study while also going insane due to all the material you have to re-teach yourself.
8. Your classmates start to talk about how they're not worried about the final, when you stayed up all night studying for it.
9. Exam time comes and you start to accept your fate.
10. When grades are finally posted, you realize you did better than you thought, and all those sleepless nights spent studying didn't go to waste!