Anemia snacks | The Odyssey Online
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10 Snacks that will help fight your anemia

You'll be surprised!


Working a full time job can be tough on your body, especially when you have anemia. I have been working for Tractor Supply Company all summer and I love my job. Sometimes, the long hours can cause a drop in my iron levels and it can really affect my quality of work. It makes me hot, dizzy, and nauseous. Luckily, I know of a couple snacks to keep my levels under control.

1. Goldfish Crackers

Goldfish crackers may only have two percent of your needed daily value of iron, but that two percent can mean a lot in a tight squeeze. These snack-sized pouches are easy for me to bring to the register without being obvious about eating. They come in various flavors, like chocolate, so it'll be easy to mix it up from day to day.

2. Poptarts

Poptarts are a superstar in the world of an on-the-go teen with very little time. They come in a huge range of flavors and pack a massive punch with twenty three percent of your daily value of iron!

3. Frosted Mini Wheats

I always have at least two boxes of Frosted Mini-Wheats on hand. They are delicious dry or with milk of any kind, and they are ninety percent of an adult's daily iron intake.

4. Broccoli

One cup of broccoli is equal to six percent of the recommended daily intake for iron. These are also easy to take to work and can be eaten in various ways.

5. Spinach Salad

One hundred grams of spinach is about twenty percent of the RD (Recommended Daily Intake.) It may not be delicious, but with the usual salad fixings, it'll be just right for your iron fix.

6. Pumpkin Seeds

One ounce of these little treats will take care of twenty-three percent of your iron for the day and are delicious with butter, salt, cinnamon, or Old Bay.

7. Turkey Sandwich

One hundred grams of turkey will be thirteen percent of the iron you need for a day. If you add spinach, you'll be set for half the day!

8. Dark Chocolate

One ounce of dark chocolate is about nineteen percent of the RDI, not to mention it isn't something that has to be forced for most people. Go ahead, indulge yourself! It's actually good for you.

9. Zucchini

While one medium sized Zucchini is only about three percent of the RDI, it's easy to cook down about three and eat with dinner and can also be eaten raw with some salad dressing.

10. White Rice

White rice is also about three percent of your daily intake for one serving. If you're anything like me, you eat much more than just a cup at a time!

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