Ever notice that you and your Portuguese family do things differently than other people you know? Good news--you're not alone. Chances are, these ten signs of being Portuguese apply to you:
1. The food you eat is amazing, spicy and probably extremely fattening.
Goya is in every dish you make, you add onions to everything, and butter is part of the food pyramid.
2. You have a huge family.
Family reunions and gatherings are full of an abundance of aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins…the list goes on and on.
3. When the wooden spoon came out, you knew you were in trouble.
You probably hid the moment you saw it.
4. Unless you’re eating at a restaurant in a Portuguese community, you can count on the kale soup being awful.
Let’s face it—no one but the Portuguese can make it correctly, so stop trying.
5. You can pronounce “linguica” and “chouriço” correctly.
It is NOT lin-gweeka or sho-ris-o.
6. There are crocheted doilies scattered all over your house.
You can find them on your kitchen counters, on your dining room table and on your bedroom dresser.
7. Your mom’s first name is probably Maria, but she goes by her middle name.
Do you know a Portuguese woman named Christina or Ema? Chances are that’s not her actual name.
8. Avó has told you on several occasions that you are too thin and need to eat more.
But you loved whenever she said that because it meant her delicious food was about to make an appearance.
9. Left means right and right means left.
We just don’t understand directions.
10. You were baptized, experienced your first Communion and got confirmed before you even realized what was happening.
Your Portuguese parents are extremely religious. On the bright side, catechism meant you got to see all of your friends and color in sweet pictures of Jesus.
Being Portuguese is probably the best thing in the world. No, I’m not biased, it’s just a fact.