Everyone has been waiting for the movie "Finding Dory" to come out for such a long time. If you want to laugh your butt off, this is the movie to see. There is so much action and comedy in this movie. No matter what age you are, you should get out there and go see this movie!
1. It was funny.
"Finding Dory" was hilarious! All of the jokes were beyond funny. The whole theater was laughing which made it a genuinely good time. When you go to a movie and hear a room full of laughter, that tells you that it is a good movie.
2. "Finding Dory" is great for all ages.
"Finding Dory" is amazing for all ages. There are jokes for younger kids, and there are jokes for adults. Obviously the dirty jokes are going to go over the little kids' heads, but this makes the movie enjoyable for all ages. Some parents don't like sitting down watching kid's movies, but if the movie adds a little adult humor, the parents enjoy it.
3. This movie reminds us to "just keep swimming".
"Just keep swimming" is a famous line. Dory uses it throughout the movie. Any obstacle that she faces, she overcomes it by using this simple line. This is a very good lesson for anyone to keep telling yourself that you can do it. She even tells her friends this line to try to cheer them up when they are in a bad situation. Just keep swimming.
4. Ellen DeGeneres is the voice of Dory.
Everyone loves Ellen DeGeneres. Not only is she funny, but she's charming. She can have a crowd laughing in the matter of a second and there is never a dull moment with her. They picked the perfect person to play Dory and it was such a good choice. Ellen really made Dory have the personality that Dory needs to have for her role.
5. Family lessons can be learned.
"Finding Dory" had some really good family lessons. It showed how important your family is and how much you will miss them if they are gone. It also teaches to listen to your parents' rules, otherwise you can get lost. The movie gave kids the message that you should always stick by your parents, because there is a reason they tell you to.
6. Baby Dory!
There is nothing cuter in this world than baby Dory. Baby Dory was so precious, so innocent and just wanted to fit in! She was the cutest character imaginable. Everyone has been posting on social media forms about how she melted their hearts.
7. Dory does not let anything get to her.
Dory is such a strong character. No matter how many mean things get said to her, she still keeps going. She made friends with an octopus named Hank and he was not being friendly to her, so she explained to him how he has three hearts and should be nice to her. Instead of being mad, she told him exactly how she felt. Dory and Hank later became friends, because of Dory's patience with him.
8. Dory speaks Whale!
A fish that can speak Whale? How cool is that?! Dory can speak Whale. She has a whale friend who she used to talk to through the pipes when she was younger named "Destiny" and they always spoke Whale to each other. Dory gets so
happy when she remembers Destiny!
9. Never a dull moment!
The movie was extremely action packed. There was never a dull moment for Dory from getting lost to a truck falling over the side of the bridge. They went on so many adventures throughout the movie. They even had otters and seals in the movie, and let's be realistic: who does not love otters and seals?
10. Dory went across the ocean on a turtle's back.
What's cooler than
traveling across the ocean on a turtle's back? Nothing! Dory got to experience so many amazing things through this movie and she was able to overcome all of the challenges with only a little help with some amazing friends. For example, her amazing friend the turtle.