1. No need to compromise on how you spend the vacation
This is the greatest thing you can enjoy when you're traveling solo. We have all not been able to cross something off our bucket list because a travel companion was vehemently against it. When you travel solo, you're the master of your itinerary. Whether you want to spend a weekend on the beach doing nothing or going to all nineteen of the Smithsonian museums. You don't even have to plan, you can be spontaneous if you want to. The entire idea of a vacation is to get what you want.
2. Learn to enjoy the company of yourself.
In the technology age, its always a good idea to recharge your batteries. Even if you're not the type of person to go off the grid, solo travel is always a good opportunity for self reflection
3. Do everything that you want and nothing you don't want.
We have all gone on vacations and not been able to do something because your travel companion thought it was lame or because you didn't want to leave your travel companion alone at the hotel.
4. It's empowering.
Planning a trip is stressful and many people say it cant be done alone. You will feel empowered when you come home from your trip. In the process, you will also prove all the people who doubted you wrong.
5. No drama.
6. You'll meet new people, if you want.
If you're a natural extrovert, and are afraid of feeling lonely, you don't have to be. You can go to a bar and talk to the bartender. Go take a day long class. Of course, if you're not looking for new friends, you can be as asocial as you want.
7. You will find out how much you are capable of.
Nothing will make you more ready to conquer the world than ordering a meal in botched German, making new friends in Hong Kong, talking to locals,or picking up British slang. Its nice to have someone to rely on, but its even better when that someone is you.
8. Experiences are more meaningful.
9. You will do a better job of staying within budget.
We've all wanted to do some fairly expensive experiences while we were traveling. When you combine this with your travel buddies ideas that are equally expensive, then you can easily go over budget.
10. You will feel more satisfied.
The entire of a vacation is to relax and do as you please. I'm willing that at least one person never got to do something they wanted on a vacation, leaving them disappointed. When you travel solo, you don't have to worry about this. All you have to worry about is pleasing yourself. You wont have anyone to make you feel guilty for staying in a coffee shop for two hours. No one will hold a grudge because you insisted on checking out a museum. And no one will call you lazy for sleeping in.
Best places to travel solo:Scotland.
San Francisco.
New Zealand.