Bobs Burgers is quite an offbeat animated comedy. Following the adventures of restaurateur, Bob Belcher and his eccentric wife and three children, they both own and work in his restaurant selling hamburgers in a small east-coast shore town. This show has definitely attained a strong following from its premiere and has quickly gained widespread critical acclaim.
If you are one of these people who does not see the significance of Bobs Burgers, I beg you to just watch the first episode. Its available on Netflix and if you have cable, you can see it on Adult Swim. Here is why Bob's Burgers is definitely a must watch show:
1. It has won multiple awards.
This show won an Primetime Emmy for Most Outstanding Animated Sitcom in the 2014 Emmys and a couple of Annie Awards for best writing and voice acting.
2. H. Jon Benjamin is an amazing vocal actor.
You probably know him as the voice of Archer in FX popular TV series Archer but his deep sounding voice is also the voice of Bob in Bob's Burgers. Did not find that one out until the Archer crossover episode where he was a cook in Bobs Burgers in the beginning part.
3. Tina's groaning.
Tina's groaning is quite a nuisance but is quite a recurring gag reflecting her insecurity over boys and people she feels affection for.
4. The closing credits scene.
Its like an opening couch gag from the Simpsons but it's at the end. It usually features something that happens during the episode.
5. The recurring gags.
Everything from the store next door and the pest control having a different business during the intro of every episode to the Burger of the day pun written on the chalkboard in the restaurant, there are definitely a lot of puns in this show.
6. The innuendos.
There is a lot of crafty writing that goes with this show. Highly recommended to follow the dialogue.
7. Louise.
Bob's unstable younger daughter is definitely responsible for almost every mishap that goes with the show.
8. The guest stars.
A list of famous celebrities ranging from Aziz Ansari, Zach Galifianakis, Fred Arnissen, and Nick Offerman has made guest appearances on the show. They even got John Hamm (Don Draper from Mad Men) to voice a toilet. A more detailed list can be found in this link.
9. Gene's Mad Keyboarding Skillz
This guy is going to make it big in the music industry.
10. There is an actual Bob Burger's cookbook
No this is not a joke. Bob's Burgers now has proof of its zany influence in the real world. All of the Burgers that were featured in the show all have their recipes featured in a cookbook. Everything from Beefsquatch to the Parma Parma Parma Chameleon burger can be found in this book. You can purchase the cookbook here.
Happy watching!