I love Pokémon.
Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved every bit of the franchise. I loved the show, I loved the games, I loved the spin-off manga series, I loved the spin-off games, and I loved the communities that formed through the shared love for this 20+ year fandom. Unfortunately, I'm not able to participate with everyone else over the hype of "Pokémon Go" because of an outdated phone, but that doesn't mean I can't indulge with everyone over how refreshing it is to see the happiness Pokémon brings us again.
And what better self-indulgent way to express my love for Pokémon than to write about my wacky experiences with it?
1. My first Pokémon game.
My very first video game counsel and game was a birthday present. I was six when my parents gave me my green GameBoy Color, along with a used copy of "Pokémon Gold." I remember turning it on at dinner and being on the boardwalk of Route 12, the sunlight sparkling on the ocean. Despite the now-outdated graphics, it was an amazing sight. I vowed, as I reset the game so that I could play, that I would get there myself one day.2. Learning how to read by playing the games.
Like I said, my first video game ever was when I was six. I was still trying to get the hang of reading, and needed some help. But as I grew up with Pokémon at my side, I began learning all sorts of new words at a young age. I had friends that didn't know what "foe" meant in elementary school, which had baffled me-- at that point I had probably fought over 100 "foes" in the games I played.3. Needing my brother's help.
Because I started playing Pokémon at a young age, I needed my older brother to help me a lot of the time. (If he's reading this...thanks. I know it annoyed you.) I had no idea how to save or how to catch Pokémon, and asked him for help every time I played...and then kept forgetting how to do the things he taught me. I played through the Gen2 games so many times as a result, I practically had the dialogue memorized!
4. How hyped I was when they announced the remakes of Gold/Silver/Crystal.
The Johto region was by far my favorite set of games for a long time. So when we finally got confirmation they were going to be remade, I was ecstatic. This remake was amazing-- the graphics, the inclusion of the kimono girls, a fleshed out characterization for Silver, the Pokéatholon, the fact that Pokémon could follow you!
And, of course, the first instillation of "Pokémon Go": The Pokéwalker. Which worked great, as long as you didn't accidentally throw it in the wash. And, with even more hype,5. Actually crying in class when #HoennConfirmed happened.
6. Following the adventure of Twitch Plays Pokémon.
I literally downloaded the Twitch Mobile app so I could keep up with the saga. I was there when "Abby" was released, and wrote "Praise Helix" on my palms. The jokes and memes were ridiculous and endless-- I even put on my Trainer Red cosplay and wrote the different commands over my face. Unfortunately, I still have a grudge towards Flareon.
7. Finding my first cosplay group.
8. Exclusively listening to the movie soundtracks.
I didn't know any popular songs in elementary school. That's because I only listened to the first movie CD and the tape cassette for "Pokémon 2000" (yep, a tape cassette!). I, of course, have since grown out of the movie soundtracks...and straight into the OST's for the games. But when I want to get nostalgic, I'll look around on YouTube and pull the songs up, for old times sake.
9. Loving the spin-off games and getting upset when people forgot about them.
"Pokémon Colosseum," "XD Gale of Darkness," all of the mystery dungeon games, the Ranger series, Conquest, Trozei, Pokémon Channel...the list goes on and on. I can't even remember all of them off the top of my head. But they all hold a special and important place in my heart.
10. Always, always, always getting excited when new Pokémon-related content comes out.
Because we're always going to be Pokémon fans. We're always going to love this series, whether we be die-hard original 151 or having just joined. We love Pokémon, and we all love each other. We'll remember Herman Cain quoting Pokémon, the American Idol contestant actually singing the Jigglypuff song, and every other goofy thing that's influenced popular culture. But most of all, we'll remember the friends we made along the way. The journeys we've been through. How many times in the games we've saved the world, or how many times we've watched Ash save the world. So regardless if you're Team Valor, Instinct or Mystic, we all can bond over the love we share for the world of Pokémon.