Ten Reason Why I Want To Live In California. | The Odyssey Online
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Ten Reason Why I Want To Live In California.

California is a state that can be loved and appreciated by everyone.

Ten Reason Why I Want To Live In California.

10. It has the best Mexican food.

California is known for its real authentic Mexican food! And where can you find this delicious Mexican food? On a food truck of course! You will never taste better Mexican food then you will in Cali!

9. The View.

California has beautiful scenery. Starting from the famous Hollywood sign to the palm trees, to the ocean view. Even looking at pictures of California will take your breath away!

8. The fast-paced atmosphere.

California is a state that is constantly in motion. Known as the most liberal state in the USA, California is constantly changing to keep up with the new trends, advanced technology, and hot topics of today’s world.

7. The weather.

California’s weather never goes below 40 degrees! Which means that you can throw away all of your heavy winter coats and slip on a bathing suit during the fall/winter seasons! It is beach time all the time in California!

6. Hippies.

Because this state is so diverse and is an extremely liberal state, California is the perfect place for tree loving, animal loving, "stop global warming" type of hippies!

5. The healthy atmosphere.

California is the best state for personal fitness. This includes anything from your physical, mental or psychological fitness. Everywhere you look there are ways for you to take care of yourself. From fitness boot camps to yoga classes, to spa treatments. There is always room to look after yourself in California!

4. Diversity.

California attracts many people from all over the world. Which means that whoever you are meeting you will likely become educated on their way of life and you will become enriched in their culture.

3. Uniqueness.

California is unlike any other state because there are no McDonalds, Wendy’s, or Walmart’s everywhere you turn. The chain restaurants/stores are not the main focus in this state. Instead, this state encourages small business to grow and become independent without the burden of chain restaurants closing them down.

2. The houses.

If you want a million-dollar mansion or just a simple home in a nice neighborhood, California without a doubt has beautifully sculpted houses that will make finding your dream home easy!

1. The industry.

For some, they may move to California and avoid the common spots such as L.A and San Francisco. But for others, this is the exact place they want to be! If you are a writer, a director, an actress to be, or just a fan of the fast-paced L.A life, California has a way of making dreams come true, and has all the resources to make it happen, unlike most states!

California is loved by more than just the typical movie stars, and millionaires. California is a state that can be loved and appreciated by everyone. It is the dream state that will always remain my (and your) perfect destination.

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