Everyone struggles with some form of anxiety or depression at some point in their naturally imperfect lives. It’s a true fact that is also abused sometimes in order to downplay those who suffer with these issues, even if it's unintentional.
What many of the common men don’t get is that there is a huge population of those who have to fight themselves to get out of bed in the morning for no reason at all.
These voices are mainly unheard due to the way we collectively address mental health in comparison to physical health.
With that being said, I have compiled a list of 10 phrases that would make most gag when they hear them for the thousandth time.
1. “You’re not special... I get sad too from time to time and I still go to work... it’s called being a responsible adult.”
And I’m just very curious... if Prozac were equally on the same level as antibiotics and bed rest, what would you have to say then?
2. “Honestly, if you just came off your meds and smoked weed you would be 100% fine”
Tell me ... how did that work for you when you went cold turkey off the Lithium and Zoloft you never had to take in your life?
3. “Happiness is a choice. You just need to think positive and your depression will go away”
***the path to happiness is a choice.
4. “I’m so bipolar! I can’t decide between studying abroad in Paris or Rome this summer!”
I feel ya! I just got depressed out of nowhere for no reason and am fighting the urge to hurt myself and quit another job for the second time in one month! Bipolar disorder is such a bitch, right?!
5. “Be a man and stop bitching about your problems”
Well, the last time I checked, men have feelings too.
6. “Did you see those cuts on her arm? She is such a crazy person! Honestly, she should go see a shrink.”
Yeah, I did see them. They match mine under my sleeves but you wouldn’t call me a psycho if I kept them hidden forever, no? And would you have diagnosed her as “crazy” had she shown nothing?
7. “Well if she is showing her cuts to the world then she definitely is thirsty for attention.”
That’s like saying that a woman exposing her cleavage in a tight-laced shirt on a night out is simply asking for men to grab her boobs at free will.
8. “I’m so jealous that you have anorexia! I wish I could not eat for a day!”
And I am somewhat jealous of the fact that you wish you had the battle of fighting off nutrition at the hands of your misperceptions of your physical appearance. But hey, to each their own right?
9. “You're so Bipolar. You’re so OCD. You’re so anorexic.”
Right. Let me know when you catch a fever and I can call you fever from then on. #iamnotmyillness
10. “Nobody needs to know your business. No one wants to hear your negativity and you should keep your feelings to yourself”
This is my answer for you.