Video games have been a major part of my life since I was three years old. The Christmas of 1999 opened a door to countless memories and thousands of hours of entertainment. The first handheld I ever owned was the Game Boy Color and my first console was the PlayStation. The first game I ever had the chance to play was the original "Spyro the Dragon" for the PlayStation. This game, along with the rest of the trilogy, consumed my childhood and I could never get enough of the purple dragon. However, my taste in video games has drastically changed over time. I started with platformers like "Crash Bandicoot" and "Spyro," but have dabbled in RPGs, shooters, fighters, flash and puzzle games. Over the past 17 years, I have played hundreds of games and feel the need to compile some kind of a list of my favorites. These are my Top Ten Favorite Video games of all time ( in no particular order, until the top 5):
10. Red Dead Redemption (2010)
Console: PlayStation 3
Developer: Rockstar Games
Hours Played: 200+
"Red Dead" still stands as my favorite Rockstar game. The immersive open world and outstanding graphics sucked me into the the old west. The array of character personalities makes you feel like you're living during that time. John Marston has to be one of my favorite characters in any game. The dead eye targeting system is probably the best gun mechanic ever used. I also enjoyed the multiplayer which seamlessly translated the game play from the story to online. Many hours were spent in Tall Trees and Tanner's Reach inventing stupid challenges against Grizzly Bears and Cougars.
9. Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (2002)
System: PC
Developer: Raven Software
Hours Played: 300+
This is favorite "Star Wars" based Video game ever. This was the first game that let the player use light sabers, the Force, and an array of weapons and explosives with one character. This is one of the few games in the "Star Wars" lineup that correctly portrayed the Universe. I felt like I was playing one of the movies. The multiplayer feature is one of my favorites due to expansive character selection, a variety of maps and the chaotic CTF game mode.
8. Final Fantasy I (2002)
Console: PlayStation
Developer: Square
Hours Played: 100+
I've played the majority of the "Final Fantasy" games, but have only managed to complete I and VII. I knew "Final Fantasy" deserved to be somewhere on the list. I ended up picking the original for one reason: it made me feel something. It is such a difficult and archaic game to play. Their is a ton of grinding involved and death is imminent if you're character's level is not high enough. The game doesn't tell you where to go and has few checkpoints. I decided to play without a guide and it took me 40 hours to beat a game that is supposed to take 20 hours. I felt like I was in the 80's while playing; hearkening back to the days before online guides and videos. I had to figure out how to progress on my own.This was one of the most satisfying experiences I have ever had playing a video game.
7. Undertale (2015)
System: PC
Developer: Toby Fox
Hours Played: 50+
When I first started playing the game, I didn't expect much. My hope for a game disintegrates the more I hear about it. This game surpassed all my expectations and is by far, the best game i have played in the past couple years. This game has my favorite cast of characters in any video game, one of the best soundtracks and one of the best concepts in gaming. I am not a completionist when it comes to games, but I had to explore every part of the universe. When the game was towards the end, I was legitimately crying because I did not want it to be over. I was so invested in the characters and story, and this is one of the few games that has had significant emotional impact on me.
6. Crash Bandicoot: Warped (1998)
Console: PlayStation
Developer: Naughty Dog
Hours Played: 300+
A childhood favorite alongside the "Spyro" series. The final installment in the trilogy perfected the game play faults of its predecessors. Added features like being able to play as other characters added some much-needed variety to the series. Some of my favorite levels from the game include the motor cycle race, scaling the Great Wall of China with Pura the Tiger and the future levels. This game embodied pure fun and I never got tired of playing it.
5. Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (2005)
Console: Nintendo Gamecube
Developer: Genius Sonority
Hours Played: 500+
It was incredibly difficult picking a "Pokemon" game, but I chose XD slightly over Emerald. In terms of story and characters this game was not great. Where it truly excelled was in its game play, graphics and unlimited amount of content. There was so much to do in this game such as: completing the story, catching all shadow Pokemon, purifying Lugia, conquering Mt. Battle and playing against friends in multiplayer. I nearly went insane trying to perfect the flow of the purification chamber in order to bring Lugia back to its original form. I was dedicated to completing the game at 100%. This is why I feel as though XD is criminally underrated and is the best Pokemon game.
4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)
Console: PlayStation 3
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Hours Played: 400+
I had the "honor" of playing the worst version of "Skyrim" on the market. The PS3 version was riddled with glitches, frame drops, crashes and loading issues. During its first year of release the game was unplayable the majority of the time. I would play for half an hour and the game would crash and I would be forced to restart. This is exactly why this game is this high on the list. I adored every part of this game and was willing to play it despite these game breaking issues. I never wanted to leave the world of "Skyrim." The game was so deep and had hundreds of locations to explore. The character customization and fighting style variety were mind-numbing. I had never played a game with so much content. I loved it so much that I earned the Platinum trophy twice.
3. Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)
Console: Nintendo Gamecube
Developer: HAL Laboratory
Hours Played: 600+
Melee is a special once in a lifetime game. A game that encouraged me to play at a competitive level. I have spent so much time practicing tech skills and learning how to play as a bunch of different characters. I watch many streams of pro Melee tournaments in the hope of becoming a good player. I have met a lot of great friends through Melee and the game has helped me develop as a person. Its a game that anyone can play whether at a casual or competitive level. Melee has become a big part of who I am, and I hope that this game continues to be a part of my life as long as it can.
2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009)
Console: PlayStation 3
Developer: Naughty Dog
Hours Played: 700+
If there was a hall of fame for video games, I would vote "Uncharted 2" in as first ballot. It is the most perfect game I have ever played. "Uncharted 2" has amazing graphics, fun gameplay, tight controls, immersive story, lovable characters, significant replay value and is my personal favorite online multiplayer experience. It is the first game that gave off a cinematic feeling. It felt like I was playing an interactive movie, which blew my mind at the time. "Uncharted 2" was the first PlayStation 3 game I ever played and I fell in love at first sight. This game truly deserves the accolades it has received.
1. Spyro the Dragon Trilogy (1998-2000)
Console: PlayStation
Developer: Insomniac Games
Hours Played: 2000+
Yeah... I could not just pick one game from the series. The original is so nostalgic and defined my childhood by being the first video game I ever played. "Ripto's Rage" had an awesome story which was was dark in comparison to other games at the time. "Year of the Dragon" had the funnest game play of the entire series and added a lot of depth by allowing us to play as four other characters. If all three were combined, it would be the perfect game. I cannot put "Spyro" any lower then number one because I know I would regret that decision. It is not the greatest game series of all time, but it is my favorite.
This was an extremely difficult list to make, but I am surely glad I made it. I am happy that I had the opportunity to share some of my favorite games with you!