If upcoming exams and work have you feeling sluggish, this may be the time you feel the most unmotivated to do, well, anything. And when you're stressed, it's hard to get any work done at all. But don’t give up just yet! Since statistics show that people check their phones 150 times day, that means you look at your screen that many times a day as well. Did you know studies say that if you look at a phone screen that many times a day it can be bad for you? What if you were actually getting something out of it other than just checking into social media when you're bored?
College students especially (and understandably) seem to have low motivation at times because of stress, work, and school. The average college student takes 12 credits per semester, that's four classes. And that may not seem like a lot at first, but assignments, projects and exams from those four classes every day adds up. On top of that many students work part-time jobs. Those student loans certainly aren't going to pay themselves. So how is an average college student supposed to find time to relax when there simply is no time? If you're like me and you end up having some time to relax from your busy day, you tend to feel guilty for relaxing because there are many tasks needed to be completed and you aren't doing them. That guilt makes you feel even more stressed out, but sometimes it's important to take a break. Even if it's for 20 minutes, or even if it's just a couple seconds of closing your eyes and taking a deep breath and releasing all that stress and lack of motivation so that you will have the energy to move forward with the day, taking a break is necessary, no matter how long or how short.
Instead of turning to the apps on your phone like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, which will cause your breaks to turn into hours at times, just take a look at your phone background. Yes, your phone background. If you need that boost to complete your flashcards, finish that practice exam, study the next chapter, complete the next assignment, or even just get out of bed, listed below are 10 encouraging phone backgrounds to get you through the day!
1. A wake-up call in the mintiest of ways.
2. For the chic cellphone user.
3. For the artsy cellphone user.
4. This nudge in the right direction.
5. The cover which will take you to new heights.
6. If all else fails...
7. Perspective is everything.
8. This watercolor work of art.
9. For the food lover.
10. The hills are alive with your awesome wallpaper.