Disney is a massive franchise. Everyone has heard of them and follows their movies. They now own Star Wars and Marvel, but before that, they were known for the animated princess movies that they created. Here is a list of the most underrated movies created by Disney.
1. The Emperor's New Groove
This movie is absolutely hilarious and it kills me that people forget that it exists.
2. Treasure Planet
This movie is visually stunning and the story is amazing. It may take place in the future but the story can resonate with everyone.
3. The Hunchback of Notre Dome
The music is beautiful and the story is heart warming.
4. Brother Bear
Ko-da is the cutest little bear ever. The theme of familial love is so strong in this movie.
5. Hercules
Hades is hilarious and his minions are amazing. Those air-hercs are beautiful.
6. Atlantis
This movie is so relatable, every character has a personality trait that I possess so it was amazing to see parts of myself on screen.
7. Chicken Little
This movie is adorable and shows the value of friendship.
8. Meet the Robinsons
This movie shows the value of family and the fact that you can choose yours, it's not just what you were born into.
9. A Goofy Movie
This movie was hilarious, who doesn't love Goofy? But it also has an amazing theme.
10. Tarzan
Phil Collins did a beautiful job on the soundtrack and the animation is amazing.