Ten Memes For Finals Week | The Odyssey Online
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Ten Memes For Finals Week

You can do it!

Ten Memes For Finals Week

As my fellow students and I go through final exams this week I have compiled memes to help us get through this week full of struggles. Some are funny, some are inspirational, and some are just the plain truth. We all need a laugh during finals week, or a nap. We procrastinate, we cram, and we attempt to study the struggle is real, but we will get through it!

1. Tests, essays, ten page research papers but when do we sleep and eat???

2. A little inspiration for you all. If Mumble can do it so can you!

3. This meme is something we can all relate to. We try to study but inevitably we just don't. Then we are left with Kronk and Kuzco.

4. Well that pretty much sums it up... lol. Just kidding, but for real. It never matters what you wear on finals week because every one is way too tired to pay attention to you so they WILL NOT notice.

5. Yes.Finals week may not be the hunger games but as far as stressful goes, its pretty much on the same level.

6. Yep. That cram you did the night before your biochemistry final has left you an expert. Hopefully you will keep all that knowledge for your final, but you probably won't.

7. Yes. Do keep studying. Just grab some coffee, a monster or whatever else your caffeine source of choice is and power through!!!

8. Listen to the puppy. You got this!!!

9. Buddy understands. That all-nighter has drained you but you stole a short nap before you rushed off to your exam so you got this!!!

10. Yeah. So they said, and it will be when you get through this week. Hold on to that as you go through this week.

Now matter how your finals week goes, we are all in the struggle together. We will live through it to see next semester and then we will do it all over again. Happy testing; may your coffee always be strong and your memory be flawless!

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