Being fourteen is such a weird age. You are pretty much done with middle school, but not quite in high school. Or maybe you are in high school, but you feel unsure about things and you are not quite sure where you belong. You are not really considered a kid anymore, but you are no where close to being an adult. Fourteen is tricky and changing, but it can also be fun, exciting, and adventurous.
1. Friendships Change
Work at friendships and make sure they grow. However, do not hang around people who are not okay with you being you. If they make you feel uncomfortable or hurt your feelings, do not even try to stick around. Chances are the friends you have at fourteen will not be your friends forever. You will find your group one day. It might be at fourteen or quite possibly it could be at sixteen or eighteen or twenty. Friends should build each other up. They should make each other better people and have fun doing whatever together. Do not forget, while you should work at finding good friends for yourself, you should also always work at being a good friend.
2. Do what you Love
Do not be embarrassed about your hobbies or activities. Do what makes you happy.
3. Do not worry to much about what people think.
Their are people who have your best interest in heart and you should take their advice in life. That being said, their are people who are only trying to bring you down. Ignore them and do not let their words change you. Be you.
4. Worry Less Altogether
If it will not matter in a year, only give yourself just a little bit of time to worry. Do not let worrying change your life or your mindset.Do not worry about the future, it will all get figured out.
5. Take care of your skin.
Put on lotion everyday. At night take off your makeup and wash your face.
6. Wear you retainer.
Enough said.
7. High School does not last forever, remember that.
Somedays of high school are amazing, others not so much. Their is homecoming, prom, and Friday night football games, but their are also plenty of days when you would rather be anywhere else. It might seem eternal in the moment, but it will be over before you know it. That being said, when senior year quickly rolls around, try to cherish all the little moments that you can.
8. Try not to get upset at your parents, or at least not to often.
They are trying their best to help you and lead you in the right direction. They also have a lot more life experience then you. They just might know what they are talking about.
9. Get out of your comfort zone.
Do not be afraid to try new things. Be adventurous and get out of your comfort zone. Try new hobbies and new activities. Go to new places and meet new people.
10. Do not rush growing up.
You have your whole life to be an adult, but not very long to be a kid and a teenager. Do not worry about acting mature and grown up. It is ok to still act like a kid.
I could go on and on, but I think these are some of the most important lessons to try to learn.